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Punjab Police Constable Exam 2021

About Punjab Police

The Punjab Police (abbreviated as PP) is the police agency responsible for law enforcement and investigations within the state of Punjab, India. Punjab Police has a broad array of specialized services, including the prevention and detection of crime, maintenance of law and order and the enforcement of the Constitution of India. Its headquarters are located at Jan Marg, Chandigarh.

Punjab Police Constable Exam - Notification

The Punjab Police Recruitment Board has invited applications through its Advt. No 02 of 2021 dated 16/07/2021.   The advertisement is for the vacancies for 2021 for the position/ post of Constable in Punjab Police.  Anyone can view the notification at the link mentioned below and even download it. The link for the Notification is here.

After the online application process for the post of Punjab Police Constable has been completed, the Examination Board will announce the Punjab Police Constable Exam Date.  All candidates who have successfully applied online and have provided complete information must keep a watch on the official website of the Examination Board for the announcement of the Examination date.

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Punjab Police Constable Exam Date - Overview

According to the Punjab Police website, some important details for the Punjab Police Constable Exam are given in the table below:

Information / ActivitiesVacancies / Link / Tentative Dates
Total Numbers of VacanciesDistrict Police Cadre: 2015 (Of these, 658 posts stand reserved for women)
Armed Police Cadre: 2343 (Of these, 765 posts stand reserved for women)
Link to the Recruitment Portalhttps://iur.ls/punjabpolicerecruitment2021
Online Registration of ApplicationLink accessible start from 9:00 PM on 16/07/2021
Last date of RegistrationTill 11:55 PM on 31/08/2021 (extended to 22/08/2021 till 11.55 PM)
Download Detailed Advertisementhttp://punjabpolice.gov.in/PDFViwer.aspx?pdfFileName=~/writereaddata/UploadFiles/OtherFiles/AdvertisementforCT.pdf 
Helpline Number (Toll – Free)18002102565  9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Monday to Saturday)
Punjab Police Constable Exam DateWritten Test shall be conducted on the 25th of September 2021 and the 26th of September 2021.
Date for Physical Measurement Test and Physical Screening TestTo be Announced

Punjab Police has extended the last date for applying for the vacancies for the post of Constable from 15/08/2021 to 31/08/2021 till 11.55 PM.  

Punjab Police Constable - Exam Date

The Written Examination for the Punjab Police Constable is scheduled to be held on the 25th of September 2021 and the 26th of September 2021. Candidates must reach well in time so that they can complete all their formalities before the Examination begins. Those who are late for the Examination will not be allowed entry into the examination venue.

Punjab Police Constable Mock Test

Punjab Police Constable mock test series has the following features:

  • 5 Punjab Police Constable Mock Test In Hindi & English
  • Detailed AI-Based Performance Analysis
  • Focus on Weak Areas to Improve Scores

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Punjab Police Constable Selection Process

The selection shall be a 2 (two) stage process consisting of the following Tests: 

Stage I: Objective type Written Test (OMR based/ offline test) which shall be having multiple-choice questions. 

Stage II: 

(i) Document Scrutiny 

(ii) Physical Measurement Test (PMT)

(iii) Physical Screening Test (PST) 

Note: Both Physical Measurement Test & Physical Screening Test shall be qualifying in nature

Punjab Police Constable Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for Punjab Police Constable is divided into different stages. You can find the complete information on all the stages below:

Stage – I: Written Test (OMR BASED)

The first stage of the selection process shall be the OMR-based offline Written Test comprising of one question paper which shall consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The Question Paper shall comprise 100 questions carrying one (01) mark each and shall be bilingual, viz. in Punjabi and English. The syllabus and number of questions from various topics are as follows:

SR. No.ParticularsNo. of questions
i.General Awareness35
ii.Quantitative aptitude and numerical skills20
iii.Mental ability and logical reasoning20
iv.English language10
v.Punjabi language10
vi.Digital literacy and awareness05

Note 1: 

  • The total duration of the Written Test - 2 hours.
  • Total Number of questions - 100.
  • Maximum marks– 100

Note 2: Each candidate shall be issued an Admit Card indicating the specific date, time, and venue for the candidate's OMR-based written test. The candidate is required to download the Admit Card and bring a hard copy (printout) of the same, along with anyone prescribed Photo Identity Proof (Aadhaar Card, Indian Driving Licence, PAN card, Voter Identity card, Indian Passport), for entry to the venue of the Written Test.

Note 3: There shall be no negative marking for incorrect answers.Punjab Police Constable Selection Process

The selection process for the Punjab Police Constable recruitment consists of two stages. The first stage is a Written Test which will be an objective type test.  It will be an offline test and will be OMR-based. The type of questions will be multiple-choice questions. There will be 100 questions in the paper, and each question will be for 1 mark.  Candidates can take the Written Test paper in either Punjabi or English as it will be bi-lingual.

In the second stage of the recruitment process, candidates for Punjab Police Constable must first go for Document Scrutiny.  If the documents are found in order, the candidate moves to the Physical Measurement Test.  Candidates who clear and qualify in PMT will qualify to move to the next test, the Physical Screening Test or PST.  Candidates must remember that the Physical Measurement Test and the Physical Screening Test will both be qualifying by nature.

For the Written Test, the date shall be announced on the official website of the Examination Board.  The website for the recruitment portal is here. Candidates must keep visiting the official website for all data-related announcements.

The date for the Written Test has been fixed for the 25th of September 2021 and the 26th of September 2021.

The date for the second stage tests will be announced after the process of the Written Test is completed.

Stage – II: Document Scrutiny, Physical Measurement Test and Physical Screening Test

A sufficient number of candidates would be shortlisted and called for Stage-2, on the basis of merit determined by the marks obtained in the OMR Based Written Test following normalization and after factoring in reservation for various categories. Stage 2 of the selection process consisting of Document Scrutiny, Physical Measurement Test, and Physical Screening Test shall be conducted at designated place(s), date(s) and time.

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Schedule for Stage – II Tests

The schedule for Document Scrutiny, Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Physical Screening Test (PST) shall be uploaded on the Recruitment Portal. A separate Admit Card, indicating the date(s), time and venue(s), shall be issued for Stage 2 tests. The candidate is required to download the Admit card and bring a hard copy (print out) of the same, along with identity proof, for entry to the venue of Stage 2.

1. Document Scrutiny: 
Candidates called for Stage 2 of the selection process would be required to report for document scrutiny on the designated date(s) and time at the place mentioned in the Admit Card (Stage 2). Details of the same would be uploaded on the Recruitment Portal. Candidates shall be required to bring the following certificates in original, along with one self-attested copy of each document:

(i) Matriculation certificate for proof of age. 

(ii) 10+2 or it's equivalent from a recognized Education Board/ University. 

(iii) Proof of having passed Punjabi at Matriculation level or equivalent. 

(iv) Certificate, issued by the Competent Authority, to support a claim for reserved category, if any. (v) No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Head of Department/Office concerned, in case of candidates, who are serving government employees.

Note 1: The candidates, whose documents uploaded with the Application Form match with the original presented on the spot during document scrutiny, shall be eligible to undergo the Physical Measurement Test (PMT).

2. Physical Measurement Test

For being eligible for the post of Constable in District Police Cadre and Armed Police Cadre, the minimum height required for male candidates is 5 feet 7 inches and for female candidates is 5 feet 2 inches.

3. Physical Screening Test

Punjab Police Constable PST for Male Candidates

ParametersTestDurationNo. of Chances
Race1600 meters 6 Min 30 Sec
Long Jump3.80 meters-
High Jump1.10 meters-

Punjab Police Constable PST for Female Candidates

ParametersTestDurationNo. of Chances
Race800 meters4 Min 30 Sec
Long Jump3.00 meters-
High Jump0.95 meters-

Punjab Police Constable PST for Ex-Servicemen- Male

Age LimitParametersDetailsDuration and chance
Less than or equal to 35 yearsWalk/Run1400 metres9 minutes in 1 chance
Full squats101 chance
Above 35 yearsWalk/Run1400 metres12 minutes in 1 chance
Full squats101 chance

Punjab Police Constable PST for Ex-Servicemen- Female

Age LimitParametersDetailsDuration and chance

Less than or equal to 35 years


Walk/Run800 Metre run5 minutes, 1 once
Long Jump2.75 metre3 chances
High Jump0.90 metre3 chances
Above 35 yearsWalk/Run800 metre6 minutes, 1 chance

Note 1: Candidates shall be required to qualify all the events for the particular category to which she/he belongs. Failure to qualify any one event for that particular category shall disqualify the candidate. 

Note 2: Physical Measurement standards and events for Physical Screening Test with respect to the wife or dependent child of an Ex-Serviceman or grandchild of gallantry award winner shall be same as that for candidates, who are not Ex-Servicemen 

Note 3: Candidates may note that random testing may be undertaken to rule out the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Candidates randomly selected for such test(s) shall have to provide the required biological sample as instructed. Refusal to provide such a biological sample shall disqualify a candidate and make him/her ineligible for selection.

Punjab Police Constable Syllabus

General Awareness(i)Constitution and its features, Central and State Legislature, Executive, Judicial Institutions & Local Government Institutions
(ii)History, Geography, Culture and Economy of Punjab
(iii)Basics of Science & Technology
(iv)Current Affairs
Quantitative Aptitude and Numerical Skills(i)Simplification
(iii)Decimal and Fractions
(iv)Ratio and Proportion
(vi)Profit and Loss
(vii)Simple Interest
(viii)Time and Work
(ix)Bar graphs and Line graphs
Mental Ability & Logical Reasoning(i)Number and Letter Series
(iii)Statements and Conclusions
(iv)Pattern Completion
(v)Order and Ranking
(vi)Direction and Distances
(vii)Relationship Problems
English(i)Reading Comprehension
(ii)Punjabi to English Translation
(iii)Sentence rearrangement and correction
(iv)Error Spotting
(v)Fill in the Blanks
(vi)Spelling Correction
(vii)Vocabulary (Synonym, Antonym, one-word substitution)
Punjabi (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ)(i)ਸ਼ੁੱਧ/ਅਸ਼ੁੱਧ
(iii)ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਅਖਾਣ ਅਤੇ ਮੁਹਾਵਰੇ
(iv)ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਤੋਂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ
(v)ਭਹੁਤੇ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਦੀ ਥਾਂ ਤੇ ਇਕ ਸ਼ਬਦ
(vi)ਅਣਡਿੱਠਾ ਪੈਰਾ

Digital Literacy & Awareness


(i)Fundamentals of Computers
(ii)MS Office (Word, PowerPoint)
(iii)Internet, World wide web and Web search engines.
(iv)Email Communication
(v)Mobile Phones (basic conceptual knowledge)

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Punjab Police Constable Eligibility Criteria


The candidate should be a citizen of India. S/he should not have obtained the citizenship/permanent residency/green card of any other country.


Eligibility criteria regarding age shall be as follows: Minimum age as on 1 January 2021 – 18 years.

Maximum age as on 1st January 2021 – 28 years. Relaxation in age shall, however, be applicable as mentioned below: 

(i) Relaxation upto five (5) years in the prescribed upper age limit has been granted to the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes, who are residents of Punjab. As such, the maximum age for such candidates shall be 33 years as on 1 January, 2021. 

(ii) Ex-servicemen, who are residents of Punjab, shall be allowed to deduct the period of his/her service in the Armed Forces of the Union from his actual age, and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the Service Rules concerned by more than three (3) years, she/he shall be deemed to satisfy the conditions regarding age limit. 

(iii) Relaxation upto five (5) years in the prescribed upper age limit has been granted to candidates, who are serving regular employees of the Punjab Government or of other State or Central Government. As such, the maximum age for such candidates shall be 33 years as on 1 January, 2021.

Education Qualifications

Minimum Education Qualifications 

(i) 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized Education Board/ University. 

(ii) In the case of Ex-Servicemen, the minimum educational qualification shall be Matriculation. 

Note: Candidates must have attained the above-mentioned educational qualifications on or before the closing date for submission of online applications for this recruitment. 

Mandatory Education Qualifications

Candidates must have passed the Matriculation examination with Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects, or any other equivalent examination in the Punjabi language as specified by the Punjab Govt. from time to time. Provided that a ward of Defence Service Personnel, who is a bonafide resident of Punjab state, is appointed by direct appointment, he shall have to pass an examination of Punjabi language equivalent to Matriculation Standard or

Physical Standards 

For being eligible for the post of Constable in District Police Cadre and Armed Police Cadre, the minimum height required for male candidates is 5 feet 7 inches and for female candidates is 5 feet 2 inches. 

Punjab Police Constable Application Process

Application Fees

The fee applicable to candidates belonging to different categories shall be as follows: 

S.NoCategoryApplication Fee (Rs.)Examination Fee (Rs.)Total (Rs.)
2Ex-Serviceman (ESM) of Punjab, Lineal Descendants of ESM4000400
3SC/ST of all the States and BC of Punjab State only400150550
4Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)400150550

Documents Required Before Filling Up The Application Process:

Before starting to fill-up the online application form, candidates must keep the following information/documents ready (including scanned copies of documents to be uploaded) as the candidates would be required to upload the requisite documents, as applicable, in the online Application Form:

  • Personal details
  • Valid and active E-mail ID
  • Valid and active mobile number for receiving SMS
  • Anyone ID proofs (Passport, Voter I-Card, Driving License, PAN Card)
  • Matriculation certificate for proof of age
  • Details/certificates pertaining to requisite educational qualifications, including that for the Punjabi language
  • Certificates issued by the Competent Authority for claiming the benefit of reservation, if applicable.
  • Online payment Facilities such as internet banking, debit/credit card etc.
  • Scanned recent (not older than 3 months) passport size photo against a white background (maximum 50-200 KB size in JPEG format). The photograph should be as per the guidelines given on the website www.passportindia.gov.in.
  • Scanned signatures (maximum 50-200 KB in JPEG format)

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Steps To Apply Online

You have to apply online for the Punjab Police constable exam 2021 through the following steps:

Step 1: Visit the official site of Punjab Police and click on the recruitments link to apply online

Step 2: Register for Punjab Police constable to obtain the registration number and password

Step 3: Log in to complete the application form

Step 4: Fill up all the relevant details

Step 5: Upload the required documents

Step 6: Pay the required amount of application fee as per your category and take a printout of the online form.

Punjab Police Constable Vacancy Details

The vacancy details for the Punjab Police Constable exam are as follows:

Constable in District Cadre of Punjab Police2015
Constable in Armed Cadre of Punjab Police2343
Total Vacancies4358

What to Carry to the Written Exam Venue on the Day of the Punjab Police Constable Exam

About a week prior to the Written Exam, Admit Card will be issued to candidates.  All candidates are supposed to download the Admit Card and also print it.  The hard copy of the Admit Card will be the pass to the Examination Hall on the day of the Written Examination.  It also has the date and venue for your Written Exam, along with the time.  When you go for the Written Examination, you must carry your admit card with you.  You must also take with you any one of the following Photo Identity Proofs:

  • Aadhaar Card
  • Indian Driving Licence
  • Indian Passport
  • PAN card
  • Voter Identity card

In the absence of a Photo Identity Proof, or if the Photo Identity Proof is not found to be in order, entry to the Examination Hall will be prohibited to the candidate even if the candidate has a valid Admit Card. 

Document Scrutiny, Physical Measurement Test, and Physical Screening Test

During the second stage of the Punjab Police Constable selection process, there are three sections that the candidate has to go through – Document Scrutiny, Physical Measurement Test, and Physical Screening Test.  Even on this Punjab Police Constable exam date, entry to the venue will require an Admit Card, specifically issued for this purpose.  The admit card that was issued for the Written Exam will not be valid on this exam date.  Prior to this Punjab Police Constable exam date, the fresh Admit Card will be made available for those candidates who have qualified in the Written Exam.  The Admit Card will be available on the recruitment portal. Candidates will have qualified to move to the second stage of the selection process will have to print the Admit Card and carry it to the venue of the Exam as specified on the Admit Card.  The board will also specify the date and time on the Admit Card. 

Exam Date

25th and 26th September 2021

Total Vacancies



What has been fixed as the Written Exam date for the Punjab Police Constable selection process?

Written Test for Punjab Police Constable shall be conducted on the 25th of September 2021 and the 26th of September 2021.

What is the total number of vacancies in Punjab Police Constable Exam 2021? +

Constable in District Cadre of Punjab Police - 2015 and Constable in Armed Cadre of Punjab Police - 2343. Therefore, the total number of vacancies is 4358.

What is the application fee for Punjab Police Constable Exam 2021? +

The application fee is Rs.400 for all the categories.

What is the age limit for Punjab Police Constable Exam? +

Minimum 18 years and Maximum 28 years.

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