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SBI CBO Notification 2022-23 Out, Check SBI CBO Notification

SBI CBO Notification 2022

SBI CBO Notification 2022 Released: The State Bank of India has announced the recruitment of 1422 candidates for the position of CBO or Circle Based Officers through an official notification released on 17th October 2022. In this blog, SBI CBO Notification 2022-23 we will cover all of the relevant information about the recruiting procedure, eligibility criteria, vacancies, salary and more.

Without verification of the applicant's documents/eligibility, admission to the online test will be solely provisional. The candidate's candidacy will be evaluated. The applicant's candidature will be subject to verification of the details/ documents at the time of interview/ joining (if selected).


SBI CBO 2022-23 Exam Pattern

The SBI CBO exam pattern is as follows:

SBI CBO Online Test

Online written tests will consist of Objective Test for 120 marks and a Descriptive Test for 50 marks. The Descriptive Test will be conducted immediately after the conclusion of the Objective Test and candidates will have to type their Descriptive Test answers on the computer. 

SectionsNo. of QuestionsMax MarksDuration
English Language303030 mins
Banking Knowledge404040 mins
General Awareness/Economy303030 mins
Computer Aptitude 202020 mins
Total1201202 hours

SBI CBO Descriptive Test (Online)- 30 minutes

Descriptive TestNo. of QuestionsMax MarksDuration
Letter Writing12530 mins
Essay -250 words on banking-related topics125
Total25030 mins

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Wrong-answer penalties

In Objective Tests, there is no penalty for wrong answers. There will be no penalty if a question is left blank, that is if the candidate does not mark an answer.

Screening for Interview

The online application and documents of the shortlisted candidates will be placed before a Screening Committee. The Screening Committee will cross-check the job profile submitted by the candidate to the job profile of the Scale-I Generalist Officer of the State Bank of India. If the candidate's job profile does not match that of the Scale - I Generalist Officer of SBI then the candidate's application will be summarily rejected. This decision will be final and binding for all candidates.
Candidates whose job profile and experience does match that of the Scale-I Generalist Officer of SBI will be shortlisted and called for the Interview. 


The maximum score for the interview will be 50, and to be considered for final selection, the candidate must achieve the minimum qualifying score in the interview, which is decided by the Bank. Candidates in the 'OBC' category who qualify for an interview must submit an OBC certificate with the 'Non-Creamy Layer' clause. Candidates who have enrolled as OBC but have not submitted their OBC 'Non-Creamy Layer' certificate and have requested to be interviewed in the General category will not be entertained.

Final Selection

Candidates have to qualify both the Online Test and the Interview. The final selection is done with normalization of marks with a 75:25 weightage between the online test and the interview. The marks secured by the candidate in the online test out of 120 marks will be converted into out of 75. The marks for the interview out of 50 will be converted into out of 25. The final merit list (Circle wise and category-wise) is arrived at after aggregating (out of 100) converted marks of the Online Test and Interview. Selection will be made from the top-ranked candidates in the merit list prepared on Circle wise and Category wise. 

SBI CBO 2022-23: Vacancy

The SBI CBO Vacancy for 2022 is as given below

CircleState NameSCSTOBCEWSGENTotal
North EasternAssam/ Arunachal Pradesh/Manipur/ Meghalaya/Mizoram/ Nagaland/ Tripura45228130122300
BhopalMadhya Pradesh/Chhattisgarh2613471771175
West BengalWest Bengal/Sikkim/ A & N Islands2613471772175
MaharashtraMaharashtra/ Goa3015542081200
Total 1581072721104531400

SBI CBO 2022-23: Backlog Vacancy

The backlog vacancies for SBI CBO 2022-23 are given below

CircleState NameSCSTOBCTotal
BhopalMadhya Pradesh/Chhattisgarh0808

Important Note:

  • The candidate will have to apply for vacancy of one Circle only. A candidate applying
    against vacancy of one Circle will not be eligible to apply against vacancy of any other
  • Candidature of the applicant will be considered only against the vacancies in the Circle for which he/ she has applied/ opted. Merit list will be drawn Circle wise and category wise.
  • Selected candidates will be posted in the Circle against whose vacancy they are selected.
  • The selected candidates will not be entitled to inner-circle transfer up to his/ her promotion to SMGS-IV Grade OR 12 years of service, whichever is later.

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SBI CBO Recruitment 2022-23 – Eligibility Criteria

Educational Criteria

Graduation from a recognized university in any discipline or any equivalent qualification recognized by the Central Government.

SBI CBO Age Limit 2022-23

Minimum Age limit21 Years
Maximum Age limit30 Years

Below is the age relaxation provided according to various categories.

SBI CBO Age Relaxation

CategoryAge Relaxation
Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe 5 years
Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer)3 years
General (PWD)10 years
OBC/ OBC(PWD)13 years
SC/SC(PWD)/ST/ST(PWD)15 years
Eligible – Ex Servicemen, Commissioned officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ 
Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered 5 years military service and 
have been released on completion of assignment 
(including those whose assignment is due to be completed within 6 months from the last date of receipt of application) 
otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or 
physical disability attributable to military service or invalidment. 
5 years

Relevant Work Experience

Minimum 2 years' experience (as on 30.09.2022) as an officer in any Scheduled Commercial Bank or any Regional Rural Bank.

SBI CBO local language

  • Candidates applying for vacancies of a State have to produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/ certificate evidencing having studied the specific local language of the applied State as one of the subjects.
  • The candidates applying for vacancies of a particular Circle, should be proficient
    (reading, writing and understanding) in any one of the specified local languages of that
    Circle (mentioned against each Circle) to be selected by candidate at the time of
    registration of application.

SBI CBO Selection Procedure

SBI CBO Selection will be done on the basis of performance in written test and interview. However, Bank reserves the right to conduct a written examination. 

Merit List: Candidates have to qualify both the Online Test and the Interview. The final selection is done with normalization of marks with a 75:25 weightage between the online test and the interview. The marks secured by the candidate in the online test out of 120 marks will be converted into out of 75. The marks for the interview out of 50 will be converted into out of 25. The final merit list (Circle wise and category-wise) is arrived at after aggregating (out of 100) converted marks of the Online Test and Interview. Selection will be made from the top-ranked candidates in the merit list prepared on Circle wise and Category wise. 

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SBI CBO Salary

As per the official notification released by SBI, the candidates who are selected as SBI CBO will have a salary structure of Rs.36000-1490/7-46430-1740/2- 49910-1990/7-63840. The candidates are also eligible for one increment in their basic pay for each completed year of service rendered in the officer cadre in Scheduled Commercial Bank/ Regional Rural Bank as on 30.09.2022. However, the maximum advance increment has been capped at 2 (two), irrespective of the duration of experience gained in previous employment.

SBI CBO Notification 2022-23 – Official PDF

Download the official notification by the State Bank of India for the recruitment of Circle Based Officer. Click Here!


When will the SBI CBO 2022 Exam be conducted?

The SBI CBO exam will be conducted in December 2022.

What is the last date to apply for the SBI CBO exam 2022? +

The last date to apply online for SBI Circle Based Officers (CBO) is 7th November 2022.

Is a fresh graduate eligible to appear in SBI CBO exam 2022? +

No, Minimum 2 years' experience required for SBI Circle Based Officers (CBO) 2022 exam.

How many vacancies SBI released for the post of Circle Based Officer? +

A total of 1422 vacancies has been released for the SBI CBO exam 2022.

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