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SLAT Registration - Complete details

The SLAT Registration has already begun and will continue till 24th April 2022. Eligible candidates can apply for the examination online through the official website of the University. It is an annual examination conducted by Symbiosis International (Deemed University) for admission to the five-year integrated law courses. The courses offered are-. BBA LLB (Hons.) and BA LLB (Hons.) The Symbiosis Law Admission Test (SLAT) will be conducted on 14th May 2022. 

This article will provide the process of SLAT Registration, important dates, documents required during the registration, application fees, eligibility criteria, and other relevant information.

SLAT is conducted for admission to the following Law Institutes

The four Law Institutes under the University are: 

  • Symbiosis Law School Pune
  • Symbiosis Law School Noida
  • Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad
  • Symbiosis Law School Nagpur

SLAT Registration: Seats Available:

Following are college and course-wise seat availability for admission:

Symbiosis Law School (SLS), Pune:

  • BBA LLB (Hons.): 180 seats
  • BA LLB (Hons): 120 seats

Symbiosis Law School (SLS), Noida

  • BBA LLB: 180 seats
  • BA LLB: 120 seats

Symbiosis Law School (SLS), Hyderabad:

  • BBA LLB: 120 seats
  • BA LLB: 120 seats

Symbiosis Law School (SLS), Nagpur:

  • BBA LLB: 120 seats
  • BA LLB: 120 seats

SLAT Registration Process

The application for the Symbiosis Law Admission test is a 5- step procedure. 

Step 1: Online Registration

Step 2: Uploading Photograph

Step 3: Filing the Application Form

Step 4: Payment of Application Fees

Step 5: Selection of desired Program and Institute

The candidates can follow the steps provided below for the SLAT Registration.

Step 1: Visit the official website

Step 2: Click on the Apply Now option

Step 3: Click on Register and fill out the SLAT Registration form.

Step 4: Enter the required details- name, category, e-mail ID, mobile number, and the test city.

Step 5: Upload the scanned copy photograph

Step 6: Click on the Save and Continue option.

An ID and password will be sent to your mobile number and the registered e-mail address. Using this, you will be able to access your application form.

Step 7: The Application Window will appear. 

Step 8: Enter the required credentials

Step 9: Check your application form for accuracy.

Step 10: Now, from the make the payment tab, select your mode of payment.

Step 11: Make the payment.


  • The SLAT Registration/ Application fee is Rs.1,950 /-.
  • This amount is non-transferable and non-refundable.
  • Along with the registration/ application fee, the candidate will require to pay the program registration fee for each program. 
  • The registration fee for each program is Rs.1,000/-. This amount is non-transferable and non-refundable.


  • The SLAT Registration window will be open till 24th April 2022.
  • Candidates can make changes in the registration form till the last day of registration. 
  • Candidates must fulfill all the eligibility requirements.
  • The candidates should make sure that the information provided in the form is correct before submitting the application form.
  • Read all the provided instructions carefully before registering for the law entrance examination.
  • No changes in the city preferences and admission category will be entertained after the final submission of the form.
  • The examination is scheduled for 14th May 2022.

SLAT Registration: Reservation criteria

The category-wise reservation percentage is mentioned below:

  • Scheduled Castes (SC)- 15 percent reservation
  • Scheduled Tribes (ST)- 7.50 percent reservation
  • Differently Abled- 3 percent reservation
  • Wards of Serving/ Retired Defence Personnel- 5 percent reservation

SLAT (Symbiosis Law Admission Test) 2022 Eligibility criteria - BA LLB / BBA LLB

Before registering for SLAT, the candidates should go through the eligibility criteria set by the University. The eligibility requirements are given below:

Educational Qualification:

  • Candidates should have passed class 12th (10 2) or equivalent from any recognized Board (National or State) with 45 percent or above marks or an equivalent grade (40 percent marks or equivalent grade for Scheduled Tribes/ Scheduled Caste)
  • Candidates who have appeared for their 12th Board examination and awaiting results too can apply. They must produce a passing certificate at the time of admission to the Law school. 

Criteria for Age: There is no upper age limit set by the University for admission to the BA LLB and BBA LLB course/ programs.


 It has always been our endeavor to provide accurate and relevant information to our readers. We hope this article has been helpful in providing details of the SLAT Registration. The last date to register for the exam is 24th April. Candidates who desire to pursue law should go through the eligibility requirement and register for the test. 

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: When will the SLAT Registration begin?

Answer: The SLAT Registration has already begun on 25th January 2022 and will continue till 24th April 2022.

Question: Is Symbiosis University offering two law courses/ programs?

Answer: Yes, the application form is available for BBA LLB and BA LLB.

Question: How do I register for SLAT 2022?

Answer: The candidates can follow the steps provided below for the SLAT Registration.

Step 1: Visit the official website

Step 2: Click on the Apply Now option

Step 3: Click on Register and fill out the SLAT Registration form.

Step 4: Enter the required details- name, category, e-mail ID, mobile number, and the test city.

Step 5: Upload the scanned copy photograph

Step 6: Click on the Save and Continue option.

An ID and password will be sent to your mobile number and the registered e-mail address. Using this, you will be able to access your application form.

Step 7: The Application Window will appear. 

Step 8: Enter the required credentials

Step 9: Check your application form for accuracy.

Step 10: Now, from Make the payment tab select your mode of payment.

Step 11: Make the payment.

Question: What is the category-wise break-up of Reserved seats provided by the University?

Answer: The category-wise reservation percentage is given below:

  • Scheduled Castes (SC)- 15 percent reservation
  • Scheduled Tribes (ST)- 7.50 percent reservation
  • Differently Abled- 3 percent reservation
  • Wards of Serving/ Retired Defence Personnel- 5 percent reservation

Question: What is the SLAT Registration fee?

Answer: The 

SLAT Registration/ 

Application fee is Rs.1,950 /-.This amount is non-transferable and non-refundable. Along with the registration/ application fee, the candidate will require to pay the program registration fee for each program. The registration fee for each program is Rs.1,000/-. This amount is non-transferable and non-refundable.


When will the SLAT registration begin?

The SLAT registration has already started on the 25th January 2022 and will continue till 24th April 2022.

Is Symbiosis University offering two law courses/ programmes? +

Yes, the SLAT application form is for BBA LLB and BA LLB.

How much is the SLAT application fees? +

The application fee for SLAT is Rs.1,950 /-. This amount is non-transferable and non-refundable. Along with the registration/ application fee, the candidate will require to pay the program registration fee for each programme. The registration fee for each program is Rs.1,000/-. This amount is non-transferable and non-refundable.

How do I register for SLAT? +

The candidates can follow the steps provided below for the SLAT Registration.
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on Apply Now
Step 3: Click on Register and fill out the SLAT Registration form.
Step 4: Enter the details- name, category, e-mail ID, mobile number, and the test city.
Step 5: Upload a scanned copy of your photograph
Step 6: Click on the Save and Continue option.
An ID and password will be sent to your mobile number and the registered e-mail address. Using this, you will be able to access your application form.
Step 7: The Application Window will appear.
Step 8: Enter the required credentials- name, date of birth, educational qualification, program/ course applied for, and other details.
Step 9: Check your application form for accuracy.
Step 10: Now, from the Make the payment tab, select your mode of payment.
Step 11: Make the payment.

What is the process to pay the SLAT application fees? +

You can pay the fees through the following methods:
Billdesk Payment Gateway
Indian Bank Payment Gateway
Demand Draft in favour of “Symbiosis Test Secretariat” payable at Pune.

What is the category-wise break-up of Reserved seats provided by the University? +

The category-wise reservation percentage is given below:
Scheduled Castes (SC)- 15 per cent reservation
Scheduled Tribes (ST)- 7.50 per cent reservation
Differently Abled- 3 per cent reservation
Wards of Serving/ Retired Defence Personnel- 5 per cent reservation

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