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SSC MTS Mock Test 2025 (Free)

Attempt 70+ SSC MTS Mock Test 2025 (Free) based on the latest SSC MTS Havaldar 2025 Exam Pattern.

  • 20 SSC MTS Mock Tests
  • 50+ Topic Tests
  • 60 Sectional Tests For SSC MTS And Havaldar
  • 10 SSC MTS Previous Year Paper Test
  • 120 GK Tests
  • Complete GK Notes
  • Free Study Material and E-Book Resources

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SSC MTS 2024 Test Series

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Sectional Tests Test Series

Quantitative Aptitude 01

25 25 40 Mins

General Intelligence 01

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English Comprehension 01

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Quantitative Aptitude 02

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General Intelligence 02

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English Comprehension 02

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General Intelligence 03

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English Comprehension 03

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Quantitative Aptitude 04

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General Intelligence 04

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English Comprehension 04

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General Intelligence 05

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English Comprehension 05

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General Intelligence 06

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English Comprehension 06

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General Intelligence 07

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English Comprehension 07

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General Intelligence 08

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English Comprehension 08

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General Intelligence 09

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English Comprehension 09

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General Intelligence 10

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English Comprehension 10

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General Intelligence 11

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English Comprehension 11

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General Intelligence 12

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English Comprehension 12

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General Intelligence 13

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English Comprehension 13

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General Intelligence 14

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English Comprehension 14

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Quantitative Aptitude 15

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General Intelligence 15

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English Comprehension 15

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General Intelligence 16

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English Comprehension 16

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Quantitative Aptitude 17

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General Intelligence 17

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English Comprehension 17

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General Intelligence 18

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English Comprehension 18

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General Intelligence 19

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English Comprehension 19

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General Intelligence 20

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Topic Tests Test Series

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SSC MTS Mock Test 2025

The SSC MTS Mock Test is a helpful tool for candidates preparing for the SSC MTS exam. It simulates real exam conditions, allowing candidates to check their preparation. Practicing with these free mock tests helps identify weak areas, improve time management, and build confidence. Regularly practicing this mock test helps improve accuracy and problem-solving skills.

SSC MTS Havaldar Mock Test 2025

Oliveboard's SSC MTS Mock Test 2025 is designed to boost your preparation for the competitive SSC MTS exam. It covers important subjects like General Intelligence, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. With over 70 mock tests available in both English and Hindi, the series closely matches the actual exam format. Created by expert educators, these tests provide thorough coverage of key topics and concepts, helping you prepare effectively.

Oliveboard SSC MTS Mock Test 2025 Series

The Oliveboard SSC MTS Mock Test 2025 includes various practice tools that simulate the real exam experience:

  • 20 SSC MTS Practice Tests (Tier 1 & Tier 2)
  • Free Tests for quick skill overview
  • 50+ Topic-specific Mock Exams
  • 60 Sectional Tests
  • 120 General Knowledge Quizzes
  • 10 Previous Year Tier 1 Papers
  • All India Free Live Tests
  • Language Options (English & Hindi)
  • Follows the latest Exam Pattern & Syllabus
  • 24/7 Accessibility via mobile app or website

Why Choose Oliveboard for SSC MTS Mock Tests?

Opting for Oliveboard's SSC MTS mock tests ensures thorough and effective preparation for the exam, significantly boosting your chances of success.

  • Expertly Designed: The mock tests are crafted by subject experts based on a detailed analysis of the previous year's questions, ensuring relevance.
  • Enhance Speed and Accuracy: Regular practice improves both speed and accuracy, which are crucial for succeeding in the SSC MTS exam.
  • Identify Weak Areas: Detailed feedback after each test helps pinpoint areas that require more attention.
  • Familiarization with the Exam: These tests offer a clear understanding of the SSC MTS syllabus, exam pattern, and structure, preparing you better for the actual test.
  • Strategize Your Preparation: Analyzing mock test results helps you formulate a focused study strategy based on your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Study Material: Frequent practice solidifies your understanding of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, General Knowledge, and English, aiding better recall during the exam.

SSC MTS Mock Test 2025 Special Features

  • Bilingual Availability: Tests are offered in both Hindi and English for diverse accessibility.
  • Anytime, Anywhere Access: You can take the tests online via the mobile app or a computer, allowing you flexibility in your study schedule.
  • Custom Study Planner: Oliveboard's intelligent study planner helps tailor your study schedule, focusing on weak areas.
  • Detailed Performance Analysis: Track your progress with detailed insights and feedback on your performance.

Benefits of Attempting SSC MTS Havaldar Mock Test Series 2025

Preparing for the SSC MTS Havaldar Exam 2025 can be challenging, but a well-structured mock test series can make the process smoother.

  • Real Exam Experience: Familiarizes candidates with the exam pattern, types of questions, and time constraints.
  • Improves Time Management: Helps candidates practice efficient time allocation for each section.
  • Boosts Accuracy: Reduces errors and increases precision in solving questions.
  • Identifies Weak Areas: Highlights topics that need more preparation and focus.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving Skills: Builds confidence in answering challenging questions.
  • Provides Immediate Feedback: Offers detailed analysis to adjust preparation strategies.
  • Covers Full Syllabus: Ensures candidates practice all topics required for the exam.

How to Attempt the SSC MTS Test Series?

Participating in the SSC MTS Mock Test Free is a crucial part of your exam preparation. Here's how to easily attempt the Oliveboard's SSC MTS Mock Test:

  1. Visit the Oliveboard Website: Go to the official Oliveboard website to access the mock tests.
  2. Register or Login: Create an account or log in using your email address or Google ID.
  3. Access the Mock Test Section: Once logged in, find the SSC MTS Mock Test section on your screen.
  4. Start the Test: Click the "Attempt Now" button to begin your mock test.

SSC MTS Exam Overview

Exam NameSSC MTS Examination
Conducting BodySSC
Exam LevelNational
Exam FrequencyOnce a year
Exam ModeComputer-based test, Physical Efficiency Test(PET)/Physical Standard Test(PST) (Only for Havaldar)
Exam Duration90 minutes
Exam Purpose Selecting Group-C non-gazetted, non-ministerial posts
Exam Language

English, Hindi, and 13 Other regional languages

(i) Assamese, (ii) Bengali, (iii) Gujarati, (iv) Kannada, (v) Konkani, (vi) Malayalam, (vii) Manipuri (Metei or Meithei), (viii)Marathi, (ix) Odia (Oriya), (x) Punjabi, (xi) Tamil, (xii) Telugu and (xiii) Urdu

Official Websitessc.gov.in

SSC MTS Exam Pattern 2025

The exam pattern of SSC MTS is discussed here in detail.

  • Computer-Based Examination: Two mandatory sessions conducted on the same day.
  • Session I: The test duration is 45 minutes. No negative marking.
  • Transition: Session II begins right after Session I ends.
  • Session II: The test duration is 45 minutes. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
SubjectNumber of Questions/ Maximum Marks
Session-1: Numerical and Mathematical Ability20/60
Session-1: Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving20/60
Session 2: General Awareness25/75
Session 2: English Language and Comprehension25/75

What Will You Get After Attempting the SSC MTS Free Mock Test 2025?

Upon completing the SSC MTS Mock Test, you will receive a detailed performance analysis that helps you monitor your progress. The features provided after attempting the SSC MTS Mock Test 202 by Oliveboard include:

  • Time Taken: Insights into the time spent on each question and section.
  • Accuracy: A comparison of correct answers to the total questions attempted.
  • Right, Wrong, and Unattempted Questions: An overview of your overall performance.
  • Total Score: A calculated score reflecting correct and incorrect answers.
  • Review Option: An opportunity to review explanations for questions answered incorrectly.
  • Comparison with Toppers: A performance comparison with top scorers to guide your improvement efforts.

SSC MTS 2024 Mock Test Series FAQs

Q1. Can Oliveboard's SSC MTS Mock Tests help me clear the exam?

Yes. Oliveboard's SSC MTS Mock tests are prepared by experts & Toppers. They are based on the latest exam pattern. Practising these mock tests gives you a definite edge over your competitors. Also, the Advanced Analytics provided by Oliveboard after each mock test helps you understand your performance in the most comprehensive manner. This helps you improve your performance after each mock test.

Q2. How can I attempt the SSC MTS Free Mock Test? +

To attempt SSC MTS Free Mock Test, just follow the following steps:
1. Register/Log-in by entering your valid email address or through your Google ID in the field given above.
2. Go to Mock Tests section
3. Click on "Start Test" Button on right side of the screen

Q3. Oliveboard provides SSC MTS Mock Tests in how many languages? +

Oliveboard provides SSC MTS Mock tests in 2 Languages - English & Hindi. The solutions for all questions are also available in both languages.

Q4. Can Oliveboard Mock tests for SSC MTS be attempted through Mobile? +

Yes, all the Oliveboard mock tests for SSC MTS are available on our mobile app (android) as well, where you can attempt them. You can also access these mock tests through our mobile website.

Q5. What is updated exam pattern of SSC MTS? +

The Updated SSC MTS exam pattern consists of only 2 sessions and there will be no tier-2/descriptive test in the updated pattern.

Q6. Is there any negative marking in updated SSC MTS exam? +

There will be no negative marking in Session-I. In Session II, there will be a negative marking of one mark for each wrong answer.

Q7. Which mock test is best for SSC MTS? +

The best mock tests for SSC MTS include those that cover the entire syllabus, provide past papers, and offer topic-specific practice Tests.

Q8. Can I crack MTS in 2 months? +

Yes, you can crack SSC MTS in 2 months with focused study, daily practice, and revision of key topics.

Q9. Is MTS a government job? +

Yes, MTS is a government job under the Central Government in different ministries and departments.

Q10. Is MTS a peon job? +

MTS is not specifically a peon job, it includes various support roles like clerical work, dispatch handling, etc.

Q11. Does SSC MTS get pension? +

Yes, SSC MTS employees do get a pension after retirement.

Q12. Is MTS a uniform job? +

MTS is not a uniformed job, but certain positions may require specific attire based on departmental rules.

Q13. How many SSC MTS Mock Tests are provided by Oliveboard? +

Oliveboard provides 20 SSC MTS Paper 1 Mock Tests. Solving these mock tests and analyzing your performance after each mock test is the best way to clear the SSC MTS Exam.

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