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Free All-India UGC NET Live Test [18th Jan- 19th Jan]

Attempt UGC NET Live Test EVERY Saturday - Sunday

  • Get Detailed Solutions of all Questions
  • All India Ranking + Topper Comparison
  • Based on Actual Exam Interface
  • Trusted by 2 Crore+ Aspirants

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Why Attempt UGC NET Live Test?

Latest Pattern based UGC NET Live Test

All Questions in the UGC NET Live Test is based on latest exam pattern

Detailed Solutions for Each Question

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AI-Based Performance Analysis Engine

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UGC NET Paper I Test Series

UGC NET Paper I- 1

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Paper I- 2

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Paper I- 3

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Paper I- 4

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Paper I- 5

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Paper I- 6

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Paper I- 7

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Paper I- 8

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Paper I- 9

100 50 1 Hr

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) Test Series

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 1

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 2

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 3

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 4

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 5

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 6

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 7

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 8

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 9

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 10

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 11

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 12

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 13

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 14

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 15

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UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 16

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 17

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 18

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Commerce (Paper I + II) - 19

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) Test Series

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 1

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 2

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 3

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 4

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 5

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 6

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 7

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 8

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 9

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 10

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 11

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 12

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UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 13

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300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 18

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET English Literature (Paper I + II) - 19

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Economics (Paper I + II) Test Series

UGC NET Economics (Paper I + II) - 1

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Economics (Paper I + II) - 2

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Economics (Paper I + II) - 3

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Economics (Paper I + II) - 4

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300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Economics (Paper I + II) - 18

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET Economics (Paper I + II) - 19

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) Test Series

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 1

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 2

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 3

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 4

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 5

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 6

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 7

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 8

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 9

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 10

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 11

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 12

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 13

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 14

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 15

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 16

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 17

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 18

300 150 3 Hrs

UGC NET History (Paper I + II) - 19

300 150 3 Hrs

All-India UGC NET Live Test [18th Jan- 19th Jan]

300 Marks 150 Questions 180 Minutes

42,242 Live Tests Submitted

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The Importance of Attempting UGC NET Live Test 2025

Attempting a Free mock test series is a very important part of exam preparation. Here are some ways in which the UGC NET Live Test 2025 will help you.

UGC NET Live Test gives you an idea about the exam

Online UGC NET prep sites provide plenty of information about the structure and pattern of an exam. But simply knowing the pattern will not suffice. After attempting the Free UGC NET Live Test, you will understand how each section of the paper is structured.

UGC NET Live Test leads you to understand your weaknesses

We all have our weak points. Using live tests, you can figure out where your weaknesses lie and work on them. They will show you which section you are struggling with or which part of the syllabus is taking up time.

UGC NET Live Test helps you understand the syllabus

For each UGC NET subject, there is a broad generic syllabus, and you prepare yourself according to that. You will gain a better understanding of how questions are framed, their sequence, and the weighting of the marks if you sit for UGC NET exams.

Strategize with UGC NET Live Test

When you understand your weaknesses and the syllabus better, you can craft a strategy. You can analyze your mistakes and understand how they could have been avoided. Using live tests, you can perfect your strategy by trial and error.

You can come up with new tricks and tips

Free live tests also allow you to develop your own techniques or tricks to solve problems faster. It is possible that you have already learned tips and tricks, and mock tests will help you apply them.

UGC NET Live Test helps improve your speed

Our UGC NET Live Test series is designed to help you improve your speed and accuracy. By simulating real exam conditions, these tests allow you to practice under timed settings, helping you to manage your time effectively during the actual exam. Enhance your preparation and boost your confidence with our focused UGC NET Live Tests.

Helps you learn the study material

There is a lot to learn to qualify for the UGC NET exam. And UGC NET Paper 1 Live Test makes you do the math/reasoning problems and the grammar questions multiple times. That reinforces the information and strategies so that your brain can retrieve them efficiently. And this trait will help you in the actual exam. The importance of live tests in exams does not need any introduction.

Keep track of your progress with the UGC NET Live Test

Attempting mock tests is the best way to test whether your strategies are working. A mock test shows you where you were falling behind and you recalibrated your game plan accordingly. Now, a few months later sit for another mock test to see whether you have made any progress.

UGC NET Live Test creates the ambiance of the real exam

Solving a practice paper at home is very different from taking a test. UGC NET Live Test recreates the feeling of an actual examination. It is therefore necessary to take a mock test to get an idea of the pressure and anxiety you will be under and to learn how to beat the timer.

Why choose Oliveboard for UGC NET Live Test 2025?

Here, at Oliveboard we provide free UGC NET live test for candidates aspiring to join the central government as an employee. The UGC NET Live Test is conducted at the All India level, and many aspirants attempt this live test every week. The experts in the NET segment exams specially designed this test. Register Now to attempt the UGC NET Live Test.

UGC NET Exam Pattern

We have mentioned below the exam pattern for the UGC NET (University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test) Exam:

PaperPattern of PaperNo. of QsMarks
Paper-IThe questions in the exam will be basic & aim to evaluate the candidate's ability to teach or conduct research50100
Paper-IIThe assessment of domain knowledge will be based on the subject chosen by the candidate100200


  • The exam consists of two papers: Paper I and Paper II
  • Both papers are conducted in a single session on the same day

Duration: Total exam duration: 3 hours (180 minutes)

Paper I: Covers General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude

  • 100 marks
  • 50 questions

Paper II: Subject-specific paper

  • 200 marks
  • 100 questions

Question type:

  • All questions are multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
  • Each question has four options, with only one correct answer

Marking scheme:

  • 2 marks for each correct answer
  • No negative marking for incorrect answers

Medium of exam:

  • Bilingual (English and Hindi) for most subjects
  • Some language subjects may have questions in that specific language

Mode of exam: Computer-based test (CBT)


Paper I: General topics related to teaching, research aptitude, comprehension, communication, reasoning, and educational system.

Paper II: Comprehensive syllabus in the chosen subject.


UGC NET Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for the UGC NET exam are as follows:

Educational Qualification:

  • Candidates must have a Master's degree or equivalent from a recognized university in any discipline, with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Transgender candidates).
  • Candidates in the final year of their Master's degree can also apply, provided they complete the degree before the UGC NET result is declared.

Age Limit:

  • For Junior Research Fellowship (JRF): Candidates must be below 30 years of age as of the first day of the month in which the NET exam is conducted.
  • For Assistant Professor: There is no upper age limit.

Relaxation in Age:

  • 5 years relaxation for SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD candidates and transgender applicants.
  • 3 years relaxation for OBC (Non-creamy layer) candidates.
  • 5 years relaxation for candidates who have served in the armed forces.

Number of Attempts: There is no limit on the number of attempts for UGC NET.


  • Indian nationals are eligible to apply.
  • Foreign nationals who have obtained their Master's degree from an Indian University are also eligible.

Reservation: Reservation policies as per Government of India rules are applicable.

UGC NET Live Tests 2025 FAQs

How can I attempt the UGC NET Live Test?

To attempt UGC NET Live Test, just follow these steps:
1. Register/Log-in by entering your valid email address or through your Google ID in the field given above.
2. Go to Mock Tests section
3. Select "UGC NET Live Test"
4. Click on "Attempt Now" Button on right side of the screen

Oliveboard provides UGC NET Live Test in how many languages? +

Oliveboard provides UGC NET Live Test in 2 Languages - English & Hindi. The solutions for all questions are also available in both languages.

Can Oliveboard UGC NET Live Test be attempted through Mobile? +

Yes, all the Oliveboard UGC NET Live Tests are available on our mobile app (android) as well, where you can attempt them. You can also access these mock tests through our mobile website.

Can Oliveboard's UGC NET Live Test help me clear the exam? +

Yes. Oliveboard's UGC NET Live Test is prepared by experts & Toppers. The test will be based on the latest exam pattern. Practicing this live test gives you a definite edge over your competitors. Also, the Advanced Analytics provided by Oliveboard after each live test helps you understand your performance in the most comprehensive manner. This helps you improve your performance after each mock test.

Can I reattempt the UGC NET Live Test? +

No, There is no option of reattempting the UGC NET Live Test.

How many UGC NET Live Tests are provided by Oliveboard in a week? +

Every week, Oliveboard provides one UGC NET Live Test which can be attempted by students across India.

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