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UGC NET Cut Offs 2023

Last updated on 08-May-2023

UGC NET Cut Offs 2023

UGC NET Cut Offs 2023: University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) is a national-level entrance exam that is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA). This exam is conducted for the post of Assistance Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). Every year approximately 10 lakh students register for this exam. It is conducted twice every year. For making your preparation at the best level, it is important for the candidates to know about the UGC NET Cut off marks and percentages subject- wise, and category-wise. In this article, you'll get information about the same, and some other relevant details about the UGC NET Examination.

UGC NET Cut Offs 2023 - Overview

 Exam Name University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET)
 Conducting BodyNational Testing Agency (NTA)
 Exam Duration180 Minutes
 Exam ModeOnline
 Exam  LevelNational
 Post Assistance Professor and Junior Research Fellowship
 Official Websitehttps://ugcnet.nta.nic.in
 Helpline No.0120-6895200

UGC NET Cut Offs 2023 - Important Dates

The UGC NET 2023 exam will be held from the 13th of June to the 22nd of June 2023. The application process is from 10th to 31st May 2023. The following table will be updated with the release of the notification.

Registration process starts10th May 2023
Last date of submission31st May 2023
Correction window To Be Announced
Exam Dates13th to 22nd June 2023
Availability of Admit cardTo Be Announced
Release of Answer KeyTo Be Announced
Announcement of ResultsTo Be Announced

UGC NET Cutoff 2022

Candidates who have appeared for June 2020 examination can check the cut-off from the list provided below. The list has been made subject-wise and category-wise. As compared to the previous year's cut-off, there is an increment in some subjects, while most of the subjects remained the same.

Subject CodeSubjectAssistance professor (UR)JRF and Assistance Professor (UR)Assistance professor (EWS)JRF and Assistance Professor (EWS)Assistance professor (OBC-NCL)JRF and Assistance Professor (OBC-NCL)Assistance professor (SC)JRF and Assistance Professor (SC)Assistance professor (ST)JRF and Assistance Professor (ST)
002Political Science60.0068.0055.3364.6755.3364.0050.6759.3350.0060.00
012Home Science62.0070.6756.0066.6755.3364.6753.3360.6752.0062.00
047Physical Education51.3356.0048.0051.6746.0052.6744.0050.0042.6749.33
087Computer Science54.6763.3349.3358.6748.6757.3346.6754.0045.3352.67
089Environmental Science59.3368.0054.6764.6753.3362.6750.6760.0048.0056.67

UGC NET Cut Offs 2023 - How To Check Cut Off Marks

UGC NET Cutoff is released every year on its official website. Candidates have to score a minimum cut-off to qualify for the exam. Following are the steps, that candidates can follow to check the cut-off for the UGC NET exam: 

  1. Go to the official website of UGC NET.
  2. Click on the notification tab.
  3. Search for the UGC NET Cut-off.
  4. Click on that link, log in on that site with your details.
  5. After that cut-off marks will be displayed on the screen in Pdf format.
  6. Download the Pdf and save it for future reference.

UGC NET Cut Offs 2023 - Factors Determining Cut Off:

The cut off is determined on the basis of the following factors:

  • It depends on the number of vacancies in that recruitment drive. If the number of vacancies is less then it will lead to an increase in cut off as there will be an increase in competition.
  • It also depends on the difficulty level, as it is a very important factor to determine cut-off. If the question paper will be more difficult, then the cut off will be lower; whereas in the case of easy paper the cut off will be less.
  • It also depends on the number of candidates, those who have appeared for the examination. If the candidates will be more then cut off will be higher, and vice-versa in case of fewer candidates.
  • It can also be determined by the previous year's UGC NET Cut off. We can get an average, by calculating through the previous year's data.

UGC NET 2023 Notification - Calculation Of Cutoff

  • The number of qualified candidates should be equal to 6% of the appearing candidates.
  • Available slots for the candidate should be according to the government rules on the reservation.
  • Candidates need to score the following minimum marks to be.
CategoryMinimum Marks (in percentage) to be secured by the candidate)Paper I        Paper II
General40 percent marks in both the papers taken together.
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 35 percent marks in both the papers taken together.
Scheduled Caste  (SC)35 percent marks in both the papers taken together.
Scheduled Tribes (ST)35 percent marks in both the papers taken together.

Qualifying Marks

To clear the UGC NET examination, the candidates must secure the minimum qualifying marks in each of the papers. However, scoring these marks and passing is not enough to be eligible for the next stage of the selection process. The candidates need to secure the cut-off marks.

CategoryPaper I (Out of 100 marks)Paper-II (Out of 100 marks)Paper III (Out of 150 marks)
General/ Open40 (40 percent40 (40 percent)75 (50 percent)
OBC- NCL (Other Backward Classes- Non-creamy layer)35 (35 percent)35 (35 percent)60 (40 percent)
PwD (Persons with Disabilities)35 (35 percent)35 (35 percent)60 (40 percent)
Scheduled Caste  (SC)35 (35 percent)35 (35 percent)60 (40 percent)
Scheduled Tribes (ST)35 (35 percent)35 (35 percent)60 (40 percent)


Is negative marking in UGC NET Exam?

No, negative marking is not applicable.

What is the duration of the UGC NET Exam? +

The duration of the examination is 3 hours (180 minutes).

Do I have an option of submitting the UGC NET Exam application form offline mode? +

No, the UGC NET application form can be submitted online on the official website of the examination only.

Can I pay the UGC NET Exam application fee through the demand draft? +

No, the UGC NET application fee can be paid in online mode through credit card/ debit card/ net banking/ UPI only.

Does the National Testing Agency provide the facility for application form correction? +

Yes, once the online form submission process ends, NTA opens the window for form correction.
The steps for form correction are given below:
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on the application form correction button
Step 3: Login using the application number & password
Step 4: Click on the link available for form correction
Step 5: Read the instructions carefully
Step 6: Click on I agree.
Step 7: Click on Proceed
Step 8: Make the required changes.
Step 9: Click on Submit.
Step 10: Review the corrections made.
Step 11; cluck on Final submission.
Step 12: Take a printout of the revised Confirmation

When is the last date to apply for UGC NET 2023? +

Last date to apply for UGC NET 2023 is 31st May 2023.

What is the application fee for UGC NET 2023? +

Application fee for UGC NET 2022 is as follows :
General/Unreserved – Rs. 1150/-
Other Backward Classes (OBC) – (NCL)/ Economically Weaker Section (EWS): Rs. 600/-
For SC/ ST/ PwD/ Transgender: Rs. 325/-

Where can I download the UGC NET 2023 Admit Card? +

Visit the official UGC NET website - https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in/ to download your admit card.

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