IBPS PO Mains 2017 – 10 Tips for the Last 5 Days

The IBPS PO Mains 2017 is scheduled on 26th of November 2017. With just 5 days away from the exam, we are positive that you might have completed revision at least once by now. Today, we bring to you few tips for the last 5 days before the exam. First, let’s glance through the exam pattern for Mains.

Name of Tests

No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 60 Minutes
General/Economy/Banking Awareness 40 40 35 Minutes
English Language


35 40 40 Minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60

45 Minutes


Below is the cut-off from previous year for you to understand how well you need to perform this year to clear the cut-off.

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10 Tips for the Last 5 Days

1. Create a Revision Plan

As much it is important to have strong understanding of basics, revision is equally important. Many candidates fail to perform well in the exam due to lack of revision. Therefore, ensure you go through all the important topics well before the exam.

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The below revision plan is created using the Oliveboard Study Planner. You can customize this plan as per your strength and weakness. Click here to create your own revision/study plan.

IBPS PO Mains 2017

2. Prepare well for the Descriptive Test

IBPS PO Mains have a descriptive test on Letter Writing & Essay. This paper will be of 30 minutes duration with 25 marks assigned to the English Language section. There will be two questions; 1 on essay writing and 1 on letter writing. Address the topic from differing viewpoints and cover various aspects. Also provide details, examples and explanations. These should cogently support your point of view. For letter writing, strictly adhere to the prescribed format. Its absence may cause a deduction in your marks. For essays, make sure you don’t exceed the mentioned word limit. Also, structure the essay in multiple paragraphs. How well the topic has been understood and explained is main criteria of evaluating any piece of descriptive writing. Make sure you address each of the following while developing any essay.

Read more tips on IBPS PO Mains – Descriptive Writing Section!

3. Practice Mock Tests

As you might have observed in the revision plan, attempt as many mock tests you can in these last few days. With this, you will not just improve your knowledge but will also get used to the exam pattern.

I utilised almost 10-15 Mock Tests of Oliveboard and trust me, nothing beats it. It is the most indispensable source that any candidate must stick to throughout their preparatory period. I cracked almost 6-7 exams back to back and this was made possible majorly with the help of Oliveboard Test series. So, I suggest this Test Series to everyone who is seriously preparing for any of the exams.” – Shivam Tiwari (Cleared IBPS PO)

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4. Spend extra hours on the weak areas

By now, you might know your strong and weak areas. Spend some extra hours on the weak areas and attempt more questions from these topics to gain confidence.

5. Have you built your time strategy yet?

Time management plays an important role in IBPS and other competitive exams. If you are not being able to complete your mock attempt in the given time, you should try to improve your speed. Practicing mental math, reasoning tricks, short-cuts might come handy; however only with clear understanding. Try to work out the easy and scoring questions first. With regular mock attempt, you should be aware of your strengths. Attempt questions from those areas first. Build a time strategy and implement it during mock attempts to stay confident for the actual exam.

6. Don’t go for any new topics

Do not try to learn any new topics in the last few days. First, you will not be able to learn it well. Secondly, you will end up wasting valuable time that you could have invested in revising or practicing important topics.

7. Revise all Quant Formulas, Reasoning & Grammar Rules

If you have maintained notes of formulas and rules, those will work best during these last few days. Go through all the formulas and rules before the exam.

8. Clear all Doubts

Doubts should be cleared as and when they arise. If you have a doubt or any concept is not clear, then clear it with your mentors or with your friends. Spot your weakness and work on it. You can use Oliveboard’s discussion forum to get answers to your doubts.

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9. Keep yourself away from EXAM STRESS

This is quite difficult but try to keep yourself away from exam stress. You will be able to perform well and stand out in the exam only with a calm head. Chat with friends and family to stay away from stress. Also, ensure that you eat and sleep well before the exam.

10. Break the Monotony – WATCH YouTube Videos

During the last few days, you might get a little exhausted with reading lessons and attempting practice tests. Whenever you feel so, take a break by watching YouTube videos. This will break the monotony while helping you learn the video way.

Subscribe to Oliveboard’s YouTube Channel to get regular exam assistance!

Hope this helps. For any other exam related information, feel free to mention in the comment section below.

All the best for the exam!


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