RRB NTPC Exam Schedule for 2nd Phase of CBT-I Announced | Check Dates Here

RRB NTPC Exam schedule has been released by RRB for recruitment of various NTPC Graduate  Posts.  As per the recent update by RRB, the updated EXAM SCHEDULE FOR CBT-1 is as follows,

  • First Phase – 28th Dec 2020 to 13th Jan 2021
  • Second Phase – Starts 16th Jan 2021

RRB highlighted that the CBT exam will be conducted in multiple phases starting with 23 lac in the 1st phase and so on

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) had released a total of 35208 vacancies to be filled under Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC). The examinations for stage 1 will be started from December 28, 2020 to 13th Jan 2021. CBT for remaining candidates will conclude by the end of March 2021.

RRB NTPC Exam Schedule for CBT 1

As per the notice, dated: 17.12.2020, on EXAM SCHEDULE FOR CBT-1, RRB highlighted the following points:-

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  1. The 1st Stage CBT will be held in multiple phases in order to ensure adherence to all the Covid-19 guidelines for the large number of eligible candidates (approx. 1.25 crores). Accordingly, the first phase of the Exam is scheduled for 23 lakh candidates approx. to be held from 28.12.2020 to 13.01.2021 in various cities all over the country. The remaining eligible candidates will be scheduled in subsequent phases and will be intimated accordingly.
  2. For the Candidates who are scheduled in a particular phase:
    1. The LINK for viewing the Exam City & Date and downloading of Travelling
      Authority for SC/ST candidates will be made available on all RRB websites
      10 days prior to start of their exam.
    2. Downloading of E-Call letters will start 4 days prior to exam date
      mentioned in Exam City and date intimation link.
  3. Information to the Candidate who is not scheduled in a Phase: On accessing the LINK for viewing the Exam City & Date , message will be displayed “Dear Candidate , You are not scheduled in the present phase. Please wait for intimation from RRBs”.
  4. Forgot Application Registration Number link will be made available on all the RRB official websites to assist candidates (who forgot their Application Registration Number) in retrieving their Application registration number.
  5. Candidates are advised to refer only to the official websites of RRBs for latest updates on the recruitment process. Please do not be misled by unauthenticated sources.

RRB NTPC Exam Schedule – CBT 1 Important Dates

RRB NTPC Exam phase 1 is scheduled for 23 lakh candidates approx and will be held from 28.12.2020 to 13.01.2021.

Other phase are yet to be announced by RRB and will be released in upcoming days. Check RRB website and this space for frequent updates on upcoming phases.

Official Notice For RRB NTPC Exam Schedule

Attached here in is the official notice released by RRB officials for the exam schedule for CBI stage 1.

RRB NTPC Exam Schedule – Stage I

RRB NTPC Exam Schedule FAQs

When is the RRB NTPC CBT scheduled?

1st Stage of RRB NTPC CBT is scheduled from 28.12.2020 to 13.01.2021.

How many candidates will appear in 1st Stage of RRB NTPC CBT

1st Stage of RRB NTPC CBT will be conducted for 23 lakh candidates approx.

RRB NTPC Mock Test Series


  • Mock Tests are available in HINDI and ENGLISH both
  • Tests can be taken on Mobile App or PC


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