SSC JE Syllabus And Exam Pattern 2025, Paper 1, 2 Syllabus

Every year, the Staff Selection Commission releases the SSC JE Notification to recruit Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineers. Aspirants interested in appearing for the SSC JE Examination 2025 must be well aware of the detailed SSC JE Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025.

SSC JE Syllabus 2025

The SSC JE 2025 exam is conducted in two tiers, and each candidate should be familiar with the Paper 1 and Paper 2 Syllabus. The SSC JE Notification 2025 will be released on 5th August 2025 for the SSC JE Paper 1 Exam, which, as per the SSC Calendar 2025, will be held between October and November 2025.

In this blog, we have provided a detailed syllabus for Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering. Candidates can download the SSC JE Syllabus PDF for free through the direct link provided in the article below.

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SSC JE Paper 1 And Paper 2 Syllabus

Candidates who will clear the SSC JE Paper 1 Exam will be further appearing for the SSC JE Paper 2 Exam where candidates have to answer only the paper related to the engineering stream they have selected:

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering

The total marks for the SSC JE Paper 2 exam is 300 (for each stream), and the duration of the JE CBT exam is 2 hours. Candidates eligible for a scribe will have an extended time of 2 hours and 40 minutes to complete the exam.

SSC JE Paper I Exam Pattern

Candidates will have 2 hours for the SSC JE examination 2025, while those eligible for a scribe will be allotted a total of 2 hours and 40 minutes.

General Awareness50/50
General Intelligence and Reasoning50/ 50
Part A: General Engineering (Civil) OR
Part B: General Engineering (Mechanical) OR
Part C: General Engineering (Electrical)
100/ 100
Total200/ 200

Important Points:

  1. Online Application: Candidates must select the correct section (Part-A, Part-B, or Part-C) based on their educational qualifications during the online application process.
  2. Paper Sections: Each position requires candidates to attempt a specific section in both Paper-I and Paper-II.
  3. Non-Compliance: If candidates fail to attempt the correct section based on their qualifications, their application will be rejected.
  4. Question Format: Both Paper-I and Paper-II will have Objective Type, Multiple-choice questions, with negative marking for wrong answers.
  5. Allowed Aids: Candidates can bring Slide-Rule, Calculator, etc., for Paper-II only. These aids are not allowed in Paper-I.

SSC JE Paper 1 Syllabus

The SSC JE Paper 1 exam was held from October to November 2025. The detailed syllabus for Paper 1 is as follows:

General Awareness and Intelligence

The General Awareness and Intelligence part is further divided into two categories: Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The details for each topic are as follows:

Verbal Reasoning:

ClassificationClassifying items based on certain criteria
AnalogyFinding relationships between pairs of words
Coding-DecodingDeciphering codes or patterns
Word FormationCreating meaningful words from given letters
Blood RelationsUnderstanding family relationships
SeriesIdentifying patterns in sequences of numbers or letters
Seating ArrangementsArranging people or objects according to specified rules
AnalogiesIdentifying similarities between different pairs
SimilaritiesRecognizing commonalities between items
DifferencesDistinguishing between items
Space VisualizationVisualizing objects in 3D space
AnalysisExamining information critically
JudgmentMaking decisions based on given information
Decision MakingChoosing the best course of action
DiscriminationRecognizing differences between items
ObservationNoticing details or patterns
Relationship ConceptUnderstanding connections between items
Arithmetical ReasoningSolving numerical reasoning problems
Verbal and Figure ClassificationCategorizing words and figures based on similarities
Arithmetical Number SeriesIdentifying patterns in numerical sequences
Arithmetical ComputationsPerforming basic arithmetic operations

Non-Verbal Reasoning:

Paper Folding MethodFolding and unfolding paper to analyze patterns
MatrixSolving problems based on matrices
Venn DiagramRepresenting relationships between groups using circles
Direction and DistanceDetermining directions and distances
Problem-SolvingFinding solutions to complex problems
Visual MemoryRecalling images or patterns from memory

General Awareness

The General Awareness part is always divided into two parts static awareness and current affairs. The details have been provided in the table below:

Static General Knowledge:

ScienceUnderstanding scientific principles and concepts
HistoryHistorical events, periods, and figures
CultureCultural heritage, traditions, and arts
GeographyLandforms, countries, cities, and physical features
EconomicsEconomic theories, policies, and concepts
General PolityGovernment structure, laws, and political systems
Scientific ResearchBreakthroughs, discoveries, and advancements in science

Current Affairs:

SportsSporting events, athletes, and achievements
Books and AuthorsNotable literary works and their authors
Important SchemesGovernment initiatives and welfare programs
PortfoliosPositions and responsibilities in government
People in the NewsProminent individuals and their contributions

Mechanical Engineering

Subject AreaTopics
Thermodynamics1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air Standard Cycles for IC Engines, IC Engine Performance, Rankine Cycle of Systems, Refrigeration Cycles
IC EnginesTheory of Machines and Machine Design, IC engine combustion, IC Engine Cooling and Lubrication
Fluid MechanicsDynamics of Ideal Fluid, Fluid Kinematics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure, Properties and Classification of Fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Flow Rates
Turbines and CyclesHydraulic Turbines, Nozzles and Steam Turbines, Air Compressors and their cycles
Heat Engines and BoilersBoilers, Principle of Refrigeration Plant
Mechanical EngineeringEngineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Fitting and Accessories
Hydraulic MachinesCentrifugal Pumps, Basic Principles and Classification of Steel
RefrigerationRefrigeration Cycles, Principle of Refrigeration Plant

Civil Engineering

Subject AreaTopics
Materials and ConstructionBuilding Materials, Concrete Technology, Steel Design
Structural EngineeringTheory of Structures, RCC Design
Geotechnical EngineeringSoil Mechanics
Hydraulics and Water ResourcesHydraulics, Irrigation Engineering
Environmental EngineeringEnvironment Engineering
Surveying and MeasurementSurveying, Estimation, Costing and Valuation
Transportation EngineeringTransportation Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Subject AreaTopics
Basic ConceptsCircuit Law, AC Fundamentals
Magnetic CircuitsMagnetic Circuit
Electrical MachinesElectrical Machines, Fractional KW Motors, Single Phase Induction Motors, Synchronous Machines
Utilization of Electrical EnergyUtilization of Electrical Energy
Transmission and DistributionTransmission and Distribution
Estimation and CostingEstimation and Costing
Measurements and InstrumentsMeasurements and Measuring Instruments

SSC JE Paper 2 Exam Pattern

Candidates who have cleared the SSC JE Paper 1 will appear for the SSC JE Paper 2 Exam, which will only test their knowledge in their respective Engineering Stream. The detailed exam pattern and key details regarding Paper II that candidates should keep in mind while preparing for the exam are as follows:

  1. Question Format: Paper II will have objective-type, multiple-choice questions in both Hindi and English.
  2. Negative Marking: 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in Paper II.
  3. Allowed Aids: Candidates can bring their own Slide Rule, Logarithm Table, and Steam Table for Paper II.
  4. Scientific Calculator: A Scientific Calculator will be provided in the online exam software for Paper II.
Subjects For Paper-IIQuestion/ Marks
Part-A: General Engineering (Civil & Structural)300/300
OR Part-B: General Engineering (Electrical)300/300
OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical)300/300
Duration2   Hours
(2 hours and 40 minutes for the candidates who are eligible for a scribe)

SSC JE Paper 2 Syllabus

The SSC JE Paper 2 exam will be conducted in CBT Mode and questions will only be asked from the specified Engineering Streams. The syllabus details are as follows:

Syllabus For Civil & Structural Engineering (Part-A )

Building Materials
1. Properties: Physical, chemical, classification, and standard tests.
2. Common materials: Stones, cement, asbestos, timber, laminates, bitumen.
3. Uses: Construction, insulation, finishing.
4. Manufacture and quarrying processes.
Estimating, Costing, and Valuation
1. Preparation of estimates, analysis of rates, and technical terms.
2. Measurement units for construction activities.
3. Cost estimation methods for different construction parts.
4. Valuation principles: Depreciation, obsolescence.
1. Surveying principles, distance measurement, and instruments.
2. Techniques: Chain surveying, compass traversing, theodolite, plane table.
3. Levelling, contouring, and advanced equipment.
Soil Mechanics
1. Soil properties, classification, and tests.
2. Index properties, Atterberg’s limits, permeability.
3. Consolidation, shear strength, compaction, bearing capacity.
1. Fluid properties, hydrostatics, Bernoulli’s theorem.
2. Flow through pipes, open channels, weirs, flumes, spillways.
3. Pumps and turbines for water transport.
Irrigation Engineering
1. Types of irrigation, hydrology, water needs.
2. Canal lining, wells, weirs, barrages.
3. Flood control, land reclamation, irrigation projects.
Transportation Engineering
1. Highway engineering, geometric design, pavement, drainage.
2. Railway track components, traffic engineering principles.
3. Traffic surveys, intersections, signals, road safety.
Environmental Engineering
1. Water supply, purification, distribution, sanitation.
2. Sewage treatment, surface water drainage, waste management.
3. Control of air and noise pollution.
Structural Engineering
1. Theory of structures, elasticity, bending moments, shear force diagrams.
2. Concrete technology, RCC design, steel construction.

Syllabus For Electrical Engineering (Part-B)

Basic Concepts– Resistance, inductance, capacitance, and their influencing factors.
– Current, voltage, power, energy, and their units.
Circuit Law– Kirchhoff’s law and network theorems for solving circuits.
Magnetic Circuit– Flux, magnetomotive force (mmf), reluctance, magnetic materials, conductor calculations.
– Electromagnetic induction, self and mutual induction.
AC Fundamentals– Instantaneous, peak, RMS, and average values of AC waves.
– Series and parallel AC circuits with RL, C components, resonance, polyphase systems.
Measurement and Measuring Instruments– Power and energy measurement, wattmeter methods, frequency and phase angle measurement.
– Instruments: Ammeter, voltmeter, multimeter, energy meters, AC bridges, CRO, CT, PT, earth fault detection.
Electrical Machines– DC machines: Construction, motors, generators, speed control, braking, losses, efficiency.
– Transformers: Construction, principles, tests, voltage regulation, losses, parallel operation, auto transformers.
– 3-phase induction motors: Operation, torque-speed characteristics, starting, speed control, braking.
– Fractional kilowatt motors: Single-phase motors, characteristics, applications.
– Synchronous machines: Generation, voltage regulation, parallel operation, synchronizing, control, applications.
Generation, Transmission, and Distribution– Types of power stations, load factor, demand factor, generation costs.
– Power factor improvement, tariffs, faults, short circuit current, switchgears, protection systems, transmission and distribution systems.
Estimation and Costing– Estimation of lighting schemes, electrical installations, earthing practices, and relevant rules.
Utilization of Electrical Energy– Uses: Illumination, electric heating, welding, electroplating, electric drives, motors.
Basic Electronics– Function of electronic devices like diodes, transistors (NPN, PNP), BJT, JFET, and basic circuits using them.

Syllabus For Mechanical Engineering(Part- C)

Theory of Machines and Machine Design1. Concepts of simple machines, four-bar linkage, flywheels.
2. Power transmission: V-belts, flat belts, clutches (plate, conical).
3. Types of gears, gear profiles, gear ratio calculations.
4. Principles of governors, types of governors.
5. Riveted joints, cams, bearings, friction in collars and pivots.
Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials1. Equilibrium of forces, laws of motion, friction.
2. Stress, strain, elastic limit, and elastic constants.
3. Bending moments, shear force diagrams.
4. Stress in composite bars, torsion of circular shafts.
5. Buckling of columns (Euler’s and Rankine’s theories), thin-walled pressure vessels.
Thermal Engineering1. Properties of substances, steam tables, dryness fraction.
2. First law of thermodynamics, energy equations.
3. Second law of thermodynamics, entropy.
4. Air standard cycles for IC engines: Otto cycle, Diesel cycle.
5. Rankine cycle for steam, boilers, air compressors, refrigeration cycles.
Fluid Mechanics & Machinery1. Properties of fluids, fluid classification, viscosity.
2. Fluid statics, pressure measurement.
3. Fluid kinematics, Bernoulli’s equation.
4. Flow rate measurement, hydraulic turbines, centrifugal pumps.
Production Engineering1. Types of steels, heat treatment processes.
2. Welding techniques: Arc, gas, resistance welding, special methods.
3. Welding defects, non-destructive testing.
4. Foundry, casting methods, defects, and processes.
5. Metal cutting, cutting tools, machining processes (lathe, milling, drilling, shaping, grinding).

Download SSC JE Syllabus PDF

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has also released the SSC JE Syllabus PDF along with the Notification PDF, candidates can download the Junior Engineer Syllabus PDF through the direct link provided below.

Download SSC JE Syllabus 2025

We hope this blog gave you a better understanding of the SSC JE Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!

SSC JE Syllabus 2025 – FAQs

Q.1 What is the total weightage of the SSC JE 2025 Paper I?

Ans. SSC JE 2025 Paper I has a total weightage of 200 marks.

Q.2 What is the SSC JE Syllabus 2025?

Ans. Candidates can check the detailed syllabus mentioned in the blog.

Q.3 When will the SSC JE 2025 Paper 1 be conducted?

Ans. SSC JE Paper 1 Exam Date will be held between October to November 2025.


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