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Best Books for RRB ALP 2024 Preparation, Get the Books List

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Best Books for RRB ALP 2024

RRB ALP 2024 application process has been completed and soon the CBT-1 will be conducted for all the registered candidates. Aspirants must have started their preparation to crack the RRB ALP Examination. Along with the effective preparation plan, the right choices of books are also very important to crack any government examination. As the market is full of preparation material choosing the right one can be a hard task. So, we have come up with the list of best books for RRB ALP 2024 Preparation.

Best Books for RRB ALP 2024 Preparation

The Railway Recruitment Board examines various stages. Candidates have to appear for the examination of various subjects such as General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Science, Current Affairs, Mathematical Abilities, and the Engineering trade. Hence, we have mentioned below the subject-wise list of the books for the preparation of the RRB ALP.

Best Books for General Intelligence & Reasoning

General Intelligence and reasoning have a weightage of 25 marks in both the CBT-1 and CBT-2. Hence, candidates need to give a good time of preparation to this subject. Below is the list of the best books for General Intelligence and Reasoning.

  1. “How to Crack Test Of Reasoning” by Arihant
  2. “A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning” by R.S. Aggarwal
  3. “Reasoning for the Railway Recruitment Board Examinations” by Chandresh Agarwal

Best Books for General Science

General Science carries a weightage of 20 marks in CBT-1 and 25 marks in CBT-2. Questions on this subject are generally asked from the matriculation level. With the right choices of book and preparation, good marks can easily be scored in this subject.

  1. “General Science for Indian Railways RRB Exams – ALP/Group D/NTPC/JE” by Disha Experts
  2. “Objective General Science” by Expert Compilations
  3. “Lucent’s General Science” by Ravi Bhushan

Best Books for Mathematical Abilities

To prepare for the Mathematical Abilities section of the RRB ALP examination, it’s important to refer to well-structured and comprehensive study materials. Here are some recommended books for Mathematical Abilities:

  1. “Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations” by R.S. Aggarwal
  2. “Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations” by Abhijit Guha
  3. “Fast Track Objective Arithmetic” by Rajesh Verma
  4. “Magical Book on Quicker Maths” by M. Tyra

Best Books for Current Affairs

For the Current Affairs section of the RRB ALP examination, candidates should stay updated with the latest news and events. Alongside daily newspaper reading, you can refer to the following magazines and compilations for a more structured approach.

  1. Manorama Yearbook
  2. Lucent’s General Knowledge

Best Books for Mechanical Engineering

To prepare for the Mechanical Engineering section of the RRB ALP examination, candidates should refer to comprehensive study materials that cover the relevant topics. Here are some recommended books for Mechanical Engineering.

  1. “Objective Mechanical Engineering” by R.K. Jain
  2. “Mechanical Engineering for Competitions” by R.K. Jain

Best Books for Electrical Engineering

To prepare for the Electrical Engineering section of the RRB ALP examination, candidates should refer to comprehensive study materials that cover the relevant topics. Here are some recommended books for Electrical Engineering.

  1. “Electrical Engineering: Concepts and Applications” by S.A. Rehman
  2. “Electrical Engineering (Objective Type)” by M Handa and A Handa

Best Books for Electronics Engineering

To prepare for the Electronics Engineering section of the RRB ALP examination, candidates should refer to comprehensive study materials that cover the relevant topics. Here are some recommended books for Electronics Engineering.

  1. “Objective Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering” by R.K. Kanodia
  2. “Electronic Communication Systems” by George Kennedy and Bernard Davis

Preparation Tips for RRB ALP 2024

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the RRB ALP exam pattern, including the number of sections, marking scheme, and duration.
  2. Master Syllabus: Cover all subjects specified in the RRB ALP syllabus, focusing on mathematics, reasoning, general science, and technical ability.
  3. Previous Year Papers: Practice previous year question papers to understand the exam trends and improve time management.
  4. Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to simulate exam conditions, identify weak areas, and enhance speed and accuracy.
  5. Time Management: Develop a study schedule that allocates sufficient time to each subject and revision, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  6. Regular Revision: Consistent revision of topics is crucial to reinforce learning and recall information during the exam.
  7. Health and Well-being: Prioritize a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, and regular breaks to maintain focus and concentration.
  8. Positive Mindset: Cultivate a positive attitude, self-confidence, and belief in your preparation to perform well in the RRB ALP examination.

We hope this blog cleared all your doubts regarding the Best Books for RRB ALP 2024. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!

Best Books for RRB ALP 2024 – Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What are the best books for the RRB ALP 2024?

Ans. Candidates can check the detailed list of books mentioned in the blog.

Q.2 Which is the best math book for the RRB ALP?

Ans. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations” by R.S. Aggarwal is the best math book for the RRB ALP.

Q.3 Which are the best books for Assistant Loco Pilots?

Ans. The subject-wise list of best books for Assistant Loco Pilots is mentioned in this blog.