SBI PO Prelims Cut Off 2023 – Know Details Here

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SBI PO Prelims Cut Off 2023: The State Bank of India (SBI) has released the result for the SBI PO Preliminary Examination conducted on the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th of December 2022. The exam was in double shifts. There were four sections-
1. Quantitative
2. Reasoning
3. English
This blog will provide details about the cut-off for the SBI PO Prelims 2022. With the understanding of the cut-off, candidates can know whether they are cleared for Mains to not.

SBI PO Prelims Result 2023Check Here

SBI PO Prelims Cut Off 2023

The following table shows the category-wise cut-off for SBI PO Prelims conducted in December 2022.

CategoryCut off
PwBD – VI50.50
PwBD – HI21.50
PwBD – LD46.25
PwBD – D&E0.00

SBI PO Prelims Previous Years’ Cut Offs

Let’s take a look at the cut-offs for the previous year’s for SBI PO Prelims

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SBI PO 2021 Prelims Cut-off

Read along and get a comprehensive idea of the SBI PO Prelims Cutoff Score 2021.

CategoryPrelims Cut-Off
Economically Weaker Section (EWS)62.75
Other Backward Caste (OBC)61.25
Scheduled Caste (SC)54.75
Scheduled Tribe (ST)49.25

SBI PO 2020 Prelims Cut Off

CategoryCut Off Score
PWD (LD)47.50
PWD (VI)47.75
PWD (HI)13.50

SBI PO Mains 2023 Exam Pattern

Now that the results for SBI PO Prelims is out, candidates who have cleared should start their SBI PO Mains preparation. First take a look at the SBI PO Mains exam pattern:

S.No.Name of Tests(Objective)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
2Data Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
3General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness404035 minutes
4English Language354040 minutes
Total1552003 hours
Descriptive Test025030 minutes

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Objective Test

The duration of the objective test is 3 hours. The paper consists of 4 Sections and a total of 200 marks. Each section is timed separately.

Penalty for wrong answer: A candidate will lose 0.25 marks for every wrong attempt in SBI PO Mains objective paper as well. However, no deduction will be there if a question is left unattempted by candidates.

Descriptive Test

The objective paper is followed by a Descriptive Test of 30 minutes. It contains two questions carrying 50 marks for the test of English Language (Letter Writing & Essay).

SBI PO Mains Syllabus

For reference, the following table details the SBI PO Mains Syllabus for each section with specific topics.

Data Analysis & InterpretationReasoningGeneral/Economy/Banking AwarenessEnglish LanguageComputer 
Tabular GraphVerbal ReasoningCurrent AffairsReading ComprehensionInternet
Line GraphSyllogismFinancial AwarenessGrammarMemory
Bar GraphCircular Seating ArrangementGeneral KnowledgeVerbal AbilityKeyboard Shortcuts
Charts & TablesLinear Seating ArrangementStatic AwarenessVocabularyComputer Abbreviation
Missing Case DIDouble LineupBanking Terminologies KnowledgeSentence ImprovementMicrosoft Office
Radar Graph CaseletSchedulingBanking AwarenessWord AssociationComputer Hardware
ProbabilityInput OutputPrinciples of InsurancePara JumblesComputer Software
Data SufficiencyBlood Relations Error SpottingComputer Fundamentals /Terminologies
Let it Case DIDirections and DistancesCloze TestNetworking
Permutation and CombinationOrdering and RankingFill in the blanksNumber System
Pie ChartsData Sufficiency Operating System
 Coding and DecodingBasic of Logic Gates
Code Inequalities 
Course of Action
Critical Reasoning
Analytical and Decision Making

SBI PO Prelims Cut Off 2023: Conclusion

A hearty congratulations to all the candidates who have cleared the SBI PO 2022 Prelims. With this boost, you can now start preparing for SBI PO Mains. For those who were unable to clear, there is always next time. Make sure to learn from your mistakes and restart your preparation with renewed vigor. Make sure to use Oliveboard’s YouTube channel for your learning:

SBI PO Prelims Cut Off 2023: Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I access the SBI PO Prelims Result?

The SBI PO Prelims 2022 result is available on SBI’s official website. You can access it here.

When will SBI PO Mains 2022 be held?

SBI PO Mains will be tentatively held on 30th January 2023.

What is the cut-off for the general category in SBI PO Prelims 2023?

The general category cut-off for SBI PO Prelims 2022 is 59.50.

What is the cut-off for the SC category in SBI PO Prelims 2023?

The SC category cut-off fro SBI PO Prelims 2022 is 52.50.


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