SSC CHSL Syllabus For Tier 1 And 2 Exam Pattern 2025, Download PDF

SSC CHSL Syllabus

Every year, the Staff Selection Commission conducts the SSC CHSL Exam to recruit candidates for positions such as DEO, LDC, and more. Candidates preparing for the SSC CHSL 2025 Exam should be familiar with the complete syllabus for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams. As per the SSC CHSL Notification, we have provided the SSC CHSL Syllabus 2025. It is important for candidates to carefully review the syllabus to understand the topics in each subject, which will help them perform well in both Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams.

In this article, we will provide the complete details about the SSC CHSL Syllabus for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 Exam, the SSC CHSL Tier 1 and Tier 2 exam patterns, and a link to download the SSC CHSL 2025 Syllabus PDF.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2025

Any updates to the SSC CHSL Syllabus 2025 will be released along with the SSC CHSL Notification 2025 by the Staff Selection Commission for the SSC CHSL Exam 2025. The SSC CHSL Syllabus includes four main subjects and one additional subject for the Tier 2 examination.

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  1. General Intelligence & Reasoning (Tier 1 and 2)
  2. Quantitative Aptitude (Tier 1 and 2)
  3. General Awareness (Tier 1 and 2)
  4. English (Tier 1 and 2)
  5. Computer Knowledge (Tier 2)

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2025 – Overview

The SSC CHSL 2025 examination will be conducted in two tiers. Both the SSC CHSL Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams will be conducted online. The detailed overview of the SSC CHSL Syllabus 2025 is as follows:

CommissionStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
Exam NameSSC CHSL 2025
Mode of ExamOnline
Marking Scheme For Tier 1Tier 1: For Each Correct Answer: +2.0 Marks
For Each Incorrect Answer: -0.5 Marks
Marking Scheme For Tier 2Tier 2: For Each Correct Answer: +3.0 Marks
For Each Incorrect Answer: -1.0 Marks
Selection ProcessTier 1 and Tier 2 exam

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam Pattern

The SSC CHSL Tier-I Exam consists of multiple-choice questions available in both English and Hindi for Tier 1 and Tier 2 CBT Exam. The SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam details are as follows:

  • Marks Distribution:
    • Correct Answer: 2 marks.
    • Wrong Answer: 0.50 marks will be deducted.
  • Time Allotment:
    • Regular Candidates: 60 minutes.
    • Candidates with Scribe: 80 minutes.
SubjectsQuestions & Marks
General Awareness25 * 2 = 50 Marks
General Intelligence 25 * 2 = 50 Marks
Quantitative Aptitude25 * 2 = 50 Marks
English Language25 * 2 = 50 Marks
Total100 * 2 = 200 Marks

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Syllabus

The SSC CHSL Syllabus for the Tier 1 exam is as follows:

SSC CHSL Reasoning Syllabus

The SSC CHSL Reasoning Syllabus is as follows:

S. NoTopic (English)
1Alphabetical Series
3Direction and Distance
4Order and Ranking
5Blood Relation
7Logical Venn Diagram
8Sitting Arrangement
10Classification (Understand Number Patterns and Series)
11Number Series
12Missing Numbers
13Arithmetical Reasoning
14Symbols and Notations
15Word Formation and Logical Order of Words
18Cube, Cuboid and Dice
19Statement and Assumption
20Statement and Conclusion
21Mirror Image
22Paper Folding and Paper Cutting
23Figure Completion (Embedded Figure, Grouping of Identical Images, Figure Matrix, Formation of Figure)
24Non Verbal Reasoning (Series, Analogy and Classification)
26Statement and Argument Courses of Action

SSC CHSL Maths Syllabus

The SSC CHSL Maths Syllabus is as follows:

S. NoTopic (English)
1Number System (Computation of whole numbers; Decimals; Fractions; and Relationships between numbers)
2L.C.M and H.C.F
3Surds and Indices
4Algebraic Identites
6Profit and Loss
7Simple and Compound Interest
9Ratio and Proportion
11Problems with Ages
12Time and Work
13Pipe and Cistern
14Mixture and Alligation
15Distance, Time, and Speed
16Problems based on Train, Boat, and Stream
– Circle and its chords
– Tangents
– Angles subtended by chords of a circle
– Common tangents to two or more circles
– Triangle
– Quadrilaterals
– Regular Polygons
– Right Prism
– Right Circular Cone
– Right Circular Cylinder
– Sphere
– Hemispheres
– Rectangular Parallelepiped
– Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base
18Geometry and Co-Ordinate Geometry (Graphs of Linear Equations)
20Height and Distance
21Data Interpretation (Histogram; Frequency polygon; Bar diagram & Pie chart)

SSC CHSL GA Syllabus

The SSC CHSL General Awareness syllabus is as follows:

General Awareness1. Environment and its Societal Applications2. Current Events3. Everyday Observations4. Scientific Aspects5. India and Neighboring Countries
History1. Indus Valley and Civilization2. Buddhism and Jainism in India3. The Magadha Empire4. Gupta Dynasty5. Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire6. India and its Independence
Geography1. The Universe and the Solar System2. Earth3. Mountains and Rivers4. Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Atmosphere5. Wind Cyclone6. Climate7. Geological Survey of India8. Indian Climate, Natural Vegetation and Soil
Economics1. General Economics2. Economic Planning3. National Income of India4. Budget5. Market6. Demand and Supply7. Economic Concepts8. Population of India, Mortality Rate, Unemployment
Polity1. Constitutional Development of India2. State, Union Territory3. Fundamental Rights4. Directive Principles of State Policy5. Executive, Legislation, Judiciary6. Constitution of India
ScienceBasic Topics of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology

SSC CHSL English Syllabus

The SSC CHSL English Syllabus is as follows:

1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb Forms, Syntax, Modals and Tenses
4. Adjectives
5. Adverbs
6. Prepositions
7. Conjunctions
8. Articles
9. Error Detection
10. Fill in the Blanks
11. Antonyms, Synonyms and Homonyms
12. Cloze Passage
13. Rearrangement of Sentences and words
14. Reading Comprehension
15. Sentence Improvement and Spelling Correction
16. Misspelt or Inappropriate Words
17. Idiom/ Phrases
18. One Word Substitution
19. Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs
20. Direct and Indirect Speech

SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern

The SSC CHSL Tier-II Exam is a crucial stage for candidates applying for Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), and Data Entry Operator (DEO) posts. It includes a Computer-Based Test (CBT) and a Skill or Typing Test, based on the post.

1. For SSC CHSL Tier-II Exam

  • Mode: Computer-Based Test (CBT)
  • Total Questions: 135
  • Total Marks: 405
  • Marking Scheme: +3 for correct answers, -1 for incorrect answers

2. Post-Specific Skill & Typing Tests

  • For DEO: Skill Test required
  • For LDC & JSA: Typing Test required
of Questions
(2 hours
& 15 minutes)
Section-I: (1 hour)
Module-I: Mathematical Abilities
Module II: Reasoning and General Intelligence.
60*3 = 180
Section II: (1 hour)
Module-I: English Language & Comprehension
Module II: General Awareness
60*3 = 180
 Section-III: (15 Minutes)
Module-I: Computer Knowledge Module
15*3 = 45
15 Minutes
Module-II: Skill Test/ Typing Test Module
Part A: Skill Test for DEOs.
10 Minutes  Part B: Typing Test for LDC/ JSA.

SSC CHSL Syllabus – Typing Test And Skill Test

Candidates had to appear for the skill test or typing test in Tier 2 of the examination. The details of the typing test are as follows:

PostKey Depressions RequiredMaterial Provided
Skill Test For Data Entry Operator (DEO)8,000 per hour
Test Duration: 15 minutes
English document with approx. 2000-2200 key depressions
Skill Test For DEO in the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG)15,000 per hour
Test Duration: 15 minutes
English passage with about 3700-4000 key depressions
Typing Test For Lower Division Clerk/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (LDS/JSA)10,500 per hour
Test Duration: 10 minutes
English passage with about 9000 key depressions

SSC CHSL Tier 2 Syllabus – CBT Exam

The subjects covered in SSC CHSL Tier 2 are similar to Tier 1, but the questions will be comparatively difficult. Additionally, Tier 2 includes a new subject, Computer Knowledge, along with a Skill Test.

SSC CHSL Mathematical Abilities Syllabus

The SSC CHSL Tier 2 Mathematical Abilities syllabus focuses on assessing candidates’ proficiency in solving mathematical problems, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistical concepts.

UnitsTopics (English)
Number Systems (संख्यात्मक प्रणाली)Computation of Whole Numbers
Decimals and Fractions
Relationship between numbers
Fundamental Arithmetical Operations (मूलभूत अंकगणितीय क्रियाएँ)Percentages
Ratio and Proportion
Square roots
Interest (Simple and Compound)
Profit and Loss
Partnership Business
Mixture and Alligation
Time and Distance
Time and Work
Algebra (बीजगणित)Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations
Geometry (ज्यामिति)Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centers
Congruence and similarity of triangles
Circle and its chords
Angles subtended by chords of a circle
Common tangents to two or more circles
Mensuration (मापन)Triangle
Regular Polygons
Right Prism
Right Circular Cone
Right Circular Cylinder
Rectangular Parallelepiped
Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base
Trigonometry (त्रिकोणमिति)Trigonometry
Trigonometric ratios
Complementary angles
Height and distances (simple problems only)
Standard Identities like sin²θ + cos²θ = 1
Statistics and Probability (आंकड़े और संभावना)Use of Tables and Graphs
Frequency polygon
Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode, standard deviation; calculation of simple probabilities

SSC CHSL Reasoning and General Intelligence Syllabus

Module II of Section I, covering Reasoning and General Intelligence, includes questions on verbal and non-verbal reasoning, emotional intelligence, analogy, classification, and logical and analytical reasoning. This section assesses candidates’ mental ability to make decisions and solve problems effectively.

TopicsDescription (English)
Semantic Analogy (सामान्यतः समानार्थक)Recognizing relationships between words based on their meanings.
Symbolic Operations (प्रतीकात्मक क्रियाएँ)Manipulating symbols according to specified rules or patterns.
Symbolic/ Number Analogy (प्रतीकात्मक/संख्यात्मक समानार्थक)Identifying relationships between symbols or numbers.
Trends (रुझान)Identifying patterns or trends in a sequence of data or figures.
Figural Analogy (आकृति समानार्थक)Recognizing similarities between figures.
Space Orientation (स्थानिक उन्मुखता)Understanding spatial relationships and orientation.
Semantic Classification (सामान्य वर्गीकरण)Grouping words based on their meanings or categories.
Venn Diagrams (वेन आरेख)Solving problems based on logical relationships between different sets.
Symbolic/ Number Classification (प्रतीकात्मक/संख्यात्मक वर्गीकरण)Categorizing symbols or numbers based on common properties.
Drawing Inferences (तर्क से निष्कर्ष निकालना)Making logical deductions or conclusions from given information.
Figural Classification (आकृति वर्गीकरण)Categorizing shapes or figures based on common characteristics.
Punched Hole/ Pattern-folding & Unfolding (छिद्रित छेद/ पैटर्न-फोल्डिंग और अनफोल्डिंग)Visualizing how a pattern might look when folded or unfolded.
Semantic Series (सामान्य श्रृंखला)Completing a series of words in logical sequence based on their meaning.
Figural Pattern-folding and Completion (आकृति पैटर्न-फोल्डिंग और पूर्णता)Recognizing patterns and completing figures.
Number Series (संख्यात्मक श्रृंखला)Determining the next number in a sequence following a specific rule.
Embedded Figures (एम्बेडेड आकृतियाँ)Identifying a simple figure hidden within a complex figure.
Figural Series (आकृति श्रृंखला)Identifying the next figure in a sequence.
Critical Thinking (समीक्षात्मक सोच)Evaluating arguments and drawing conclusions.
Problem Solving (समस्या सुलझाना)Finding solutions to complex problems through logical reasoning.
Emotional Intelligence (भावनात्मक बुद्धिमत्ता)Understanding and managing emotions effectively.
Word Building (शब्द निर्माण)Creating words from a given set of letters.
Social Intelligence (सामाजिक बुद्धिमत्ता)Understanding and managing interpersonal relationships.
Coding and Decoding (कोडिंग और डिकोडिंग)Deciphering codes or creating codes based on specific rules.
Numerical Operations (संख्यात्मक क्रियाएँ)Performing operations on numbers following specific rules or patterns.

Note: For candidates with visual impairments of 40% or more, there won’t be any maps, graphs, diagrams, or statistical data in the Mathematical Abilities and Reasoning and General Intelligence sections.

SSC CHSL English Language and Comprehension Syllabus

Candidates will be tested on their ability to understand written material. They will be given two or more paragraphs to read, which could be from a book or a story, and also from a current affairs editorial or report. After reading, questions will be asked based on what they’ve read.

Language ProficiencyVocabulary,
Sentence structure,
Correct usage of synonyms, Antonyms
Error DetectionSpot the Error,
Fill in the Blanks,
Spellings/Detecting misspelled words,
Idioms & Phrases,
One-word substitution,
Improvement of Sentences
Voice and NarrationActive/Passive Voice of Verbs,
Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration
Sentence StructureShuffling of Sentence parts,
Shuffling of Sentences in a passage,
Cloze Passage
ComprehensionComprehension Passage with questions based on given paragraphs, including one paragraph from a book or story and another from a current affairs editorial or a report.

SSC CHSL General Awareness Syllabus

  • Questions are designed to test the candidates’ general awareness of the environment around them and its application to society.
  • Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person.
EnvironmentUnderstanding of ecological issues, conservation, and sustainability.
SocietyKnowledge of societal structures, norms, and values.
Current EventsAwareness of significant global, national, and local events.
Scientific AspectUnderstanding of scientific principles and their application in daily life.
HistoryUnderstanding of significant historical events and figures in India and neighboring nations.
1. Indus Valley and Civilization
2. Buddhism and Jainism In India
3. The Magadha Empire
4. Gupta Dynasty
5. Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire
6. India and its Independence
CultureKnowledge of cultural heritage, traditions, and diversity in India and neighboring countries.
GeographyFamiliarity with geographical features, landmarks, and physical characteristics of the region.
1. The Universe and the Solar System
2. Earth
3. Mountains and Rivers
4. Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Atmosphere
5. Wind Cyclone
6. Climate
7. Geological Survey Of India
8. Indian Climate, Natural Vegetation And Soil
Economic SceneAwareness of economic policies, trends, and developments impacting India and neighboring nations.
1. General Economics
2. Economic Planning
3. National Income Of India
4. Budget
5. Market
6. Demand and Supply
7. Economic Concept
8. Population of India, Mortery Rate, Unemployment
General PolicyUnderstanding of governmental policies, laws, and regulations governing India and its neighbors.
1. Constitutional Development of India
2. State, Union Territory
3. Fundamental Rights
4. Directive Principles of State Policy
5. Executive, Legislation, Judiciary
6. Constitution of India
Scientific ResearchKnowledge of ongoing scientific research and advancements in various fields, both nationally and internationally.
Physics1. Units and Measurement
2. Waves and Motion
3. Light
4. Work and Energy
5. Heat and Temperature
Chemistry1. Chemical Symbol and Formulae
2. Atomic Structure
3. Periodic Classification
4. Chemical Bonding
5. Oxidation and Reduction
6. Acid, Bases and Salts
7. Carbon and its Compounds
8. Fuels
9. Metals and Non-Metals
10. Man-Made Substances
Biology1. Living and Non-Living
2. Cell and Its Structure
3. Genetics
4. Organic Evolution
5. Plant Morphology
6. Plant Diseases
7. Nitrogen Cycle
8. Animal Kingdom
9. Animal Tissue
10. Human Diseases

SSC CHSL Computer Proficiency Syllabus

Module I of Section III, which is the Computer Knowledge Test, is compulsory for all candidates. However, it is considered a qualifying test, meaning candidates must attempt it, but the actual marks obtained in this module do not affect the final result.

Computer BasicsOrganization of a Computer
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Input/Output Devices
Computer Memory
Memory Organization
Back-up Devices
Windows Explorer
Keyboard Shortcuts
SoftwareWindows Operating System including basics of Microsoft Office like MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
Working with the Internet and e-mailsWeb Browsing & Searching
Downloading & Uploading
Managing an E-mail Account
Basics of Networking and Cyber SecurityNetworking Devices and Protocols
Network and Information Security Threats (like hacking, viruses, worms, Trojans, etc.)
Preventive Measures

SSC CHSL Selection Process

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam to recruit candidates for various government departments and ministries. The revised SSC CHSL Selection Process 2025 involves Tier 1 and Tier 2 stages.

  1. Tier 1 – Computer-Based Test (CBT): Objective Multiple-Choice Questions, Online Mode, Qualifying in nature.
  2. Tier 2 – Computer-Based Test (CBT) + Skill Test: Objective Questions + Skill & Typing Test, Three sections with two modules each, Online Mode, Merit-based.
  3. Document Verification & Medical Examination: Candidates shortlisted after Tier 2 must complete Document Verification (DV) and a Medical Examination for final selection.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2025 PDF Free Download

The SSC CHSL 2025 Syllabus PDF in English is provided for free download to help candidates in their exam preparation. It provides details on the exam pattern, question types, and marks distribution, helping candidates focus on important topics and plan their studies effectively. Following the syllabus allows candidates to prioritize key areas, manage time efficiently, and cover all essential sections for better preparation.

SSC CHSL 2025 Syllabus PDF

SSC CHSL Minimum Qualifying Marks

The SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) exam is very important for candidates who want to secure a position through the SSC CHSL examination. Understanding the minimum passing marks is key while preparing for the SSC CHSL 2025 Examination.

CategoryMinimum Qualifying Marks
UR (Unreserved)30%
All other categories20%

We hope this blog gave you a better understanding of the SSC CHSL Syllabus and Exam Pattern. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!

SSC CHSL Syllabus – FAQs

Q1. What subjects are covered in the SSC CHSL Syllabus?

The SSC CHSL exam covers the following subjects: Mathematical Abilities
Reasoning and General Intelligence
English Language and Comprehension
General Awareness
Computer Knowledge

Q2. How many sections are there in the SSC CHSL Syllabus for the Tier-I exam?

The Tier-I exam of the SSC CHSL has three sections: Section I: Mathematical Abilities and Reasoning/General Intelligence
Section II: English Language and Comprehension, and General Awareness
Section III: Computer Knowledge

Q3. Is the SSC CHSL Syllabus for Tier-I and Tier-II exams the same?

Yes, the SSC CHSL syllabus for both the Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams is the same, but the questions in the Tier 2 exam are more difficult compared to those in the Tier 1 exam.

Q4. What is the negative marking in the SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam?

SSC CHSL Tier 1 has a negative marking of 0.5.

Q5. What is the negative marking in the SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam?

SSC CHSL Tier 2 has a negative marking of 1.


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