The Karnataka State Police has recently announced and invited eligible applicants to fill online for the position of Police Constable. There were a total of 4000 openings for these positions. Many qualified and interested applicants apply online for these positions. Those who plan to take the written test for the position of Police Constable should be aware of the cutoff marks. The minimal aggregate marks required for a candidate to qualify for the written test are the Karnataka Police Constable Exam Cutoff 2022. The Karnataka State Police will disclose the cutoff marks for this test after the results have been successfully published. After examining the list of candidates, the number of vacant jobs, the category of applicants, the degree of difficulty of the examination, and prior year's cutoff marks for this post, officials will release the Karnataka Police Constable Exam Cutoff for 2022. The cutoff scores will be announced after all answer sheets have been evaluated.
Karnataka Police Constable Exam Cutoff
Following the successful completion of the Karnataka Police Constable written test, officials will announce the cutoffs in due time, followed by the Karnataka Police Constable Physical Standard & Efficiency Exam and medical test. Every year, the cutoff list for the Karnataka Police Constable Exam changes, depending on various factors such as the number of candidates who apply, the number of vacancies available or even backlogs, the level of the written exam paper, and so on. To pass the cutoffs, applicants must score higher than the cutoffs for their respective categories.
Downloading the Karnataka Police Constable Exam Cutoff 2022
Cutoffs are critical for aspirants taking the exam because they determine whether or not they will pass. Applicants will understand their odds of passing the written examination once it is announced.
- Step 1: Go to the Karnataka State Police's main website.
- Step 2: Go to the Karnataka Police Constable Cut-off link, which is in PDF format.
- Step 3: Download it and use the CTRL F shortcut key to view the status.
- Step 4: Applicants can also print a copy for future use.
Karnataka Police Constable Exam Cutoff 2022: Expected
Based on the patterns in the previous year's cut off, we've predicted a KSP Constable cut off. This estimated cut off will give you an idea of how hard you'll have to study for the examination.
Category | Expected Cut off for Males | Expected Cut off for Females |
UR | 40-50 marks | 35-45 marks |
ST | 30-40 marks | 25-35 marks |
SC | 30-40 marks | 25-35 marks |
CAT-01 | 30-40 marks | 25-35 marks |
2A & 2B | 30-40 marks | 35-45 marks |
3A & 3B | 30-40 marks | 35-45 marks |
Tribal | 25-35 marks | 20-30 marks |
How to calculate Karnataka Police Constable Marks 2022?
Applicants taking the KSP Constable examination should be informed of the exam's grading structure, which advises them to make only reasonable approximations and avoid making impulsive decisions.
- The exam pattern for Karnataka Police Constables consists of 100 objective question types worth 100 points.
- There is a system of negative marking in place.
- Each incorrect answer results in a 0.25 point deduction.
Factors Affecting the Karnataka Police Constable Exam Cutoff 2022
Cutoffs are important in qualifying for Karnataka Police Constable, and they change every year based on the variables listed below.
- The total number of available jobs is subject to reservation rules - The number of job vacancies has a significant impact on the cutoff marks. If there are a lot of open positions, the cutoff marks will be lower. If there are only a few opportunities, therefore, the cutoff marks will rise.
- Difficulty Level of the conducted examination - The question paper also affects the calculations of the cutoff marks. The more difficult the questions paper will be, the lower the cutoff marks, whereas an easier question paper will have higher cutoff marks.
- Total number of candidates appearing for the exam - The higher the number of candidates sitting for the exam, the higher the cutoff. If the number of candidates appearing is less, the cutoff will also be lower.
- The performance of candidates - The cutoff marks will be higher if the average performance of the candidates is high. If the average performance of the candidates is low, then the cutoff too will be lower.
- Number of Phases in the Recruitment Process: The Cutoff is also determined by the number of steps in the recruiting process. The cutoff will be greater if there are fewer steps in the recruiting process, whereas the cutoff will be lower if there are more stages in the recruitment process.
Karnataka Police Constable Exam 2022: Merit List
If the names of the applicants appear on the merit list, they are all eligible for final selection and further consideration. Prior to the final selection, candidates will be submitted to a medical examination. After that, the KSP Final Merit List is created using all qualifying marks from the selection tests.
The following details should be examined in the Merit List:
- Date of birth of the applicant
- Number of the application
- Candidate's full name
- Category
- Cutoff markings
- Scores achieved
- Fail/Pass status
Karnataka Police Constable Exam Cutoff: Previous Year
Category | Cut off for Males 2021 | Cut off for Females 2021 |
General | 40-50 marks | 35-45 marks |
ST | 30-40 marks | 25-35 marks |
SC | 30-40 marks | 25-35 marks |
CAT-01 | 30-40 marks | 25-35 marks |
2A & 2B | 30-40 marks | 35-45 marks |
3A & 3B | 30-40 marks | 35-45 marks |
Tribal | 25-35 marks | 20-30 marls |
If you have applied or plan to apply for the position of Karnataka Police Constable, having a rough notion of the cutoff can help you prepare for the exam with a specific goal in mind. Because the authority will disclose the Karnataka Police Constable Exam Cutoff 2022 only after the exam is completed, you will have to rely on the previous year's cutoff marks. Calculate past cutoff marks and prepare rigorously for the exam to arrive at a projected cutoff mark.