RRB ALP Strategy 2024, Study Plan and Toppers’ Strategy

RRB ALP Strategy 2024

Creating a proper RRB ALP Strategy 2024 is essential for achieving a successful result. Since the exam schedule for RRB ALP 2024 will be announced soon on official website at https://indianrailways.gov.in, candidates are advised to build their RRB ALP Study Plan, using toppers’ strategies as a reference. Hence, We have provided a few important RRB ALP Preparation Strategy 2024 tips for optimal preparation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare for the RRB ALP Exam

Candidates eagerly awaiting the RRB ALP Exam Date must have intensified their preparation by now, as the exam is expected to be held in the beginning of the year 2025. Therefore, it is crucial for them to follow a few preparation tips for each subject according to their exam stages, as the difficulty level gradually increases in each stage. We will focus on the preparation strategy based on the RRB ALP Selection Process.


RRB ALP Preparation Strategy CBT 1

Before diving into the RRB ALP Preparation Strategy for CBT 1, candidates need to understand the RRB ALP Syllabus first. CBT 1 consists of objective-type questions on Mathematics, Reasoning, General Science, and General Awareness on Current Affairs.

  • Adhere closely to the RRB ALP exam pattern to effectively answer 75 questions within the allotted 60 minutes.
  • Study each topic thoroughly using expert concepts, formulas, dates, and events to aid quick memorization.
  • Read RRB ALP exam books for each subject to build a strong foundation.
  • Practice previous year’s questions and model question banks to gain a comprehensive understanding of the paper trends.
  • Cover all syllabus topics within the scheduled time, then focus on practicing important MCQs and revising for a long-term preparation strategy.

RRB ALP Preparation Strategy CBT 2

The CBT 2 syllabus will include similar subjects as CBT 1, with an additional 75 marks allocated to questions from the Engineering branch. Let’s review a few tips for the RRB ALP Preparation Strategy for CBT 2.

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  • Prepare handwritten notes for the Basic Science & Engineering section of the RRB ALP exam.
  • Focus on revisiting topics you’ve already studied in earlier stages to reinforce your RRB ALP strategy.
  • Review all relevant RRB ALP Books for Stage 2 to cover technical topics such as Engineering Drawings, Units and Measurement, Levers and Simple Machines, and IT Literacy.
  • Begin with general and technical Engineering topics that you are already familiar with to boost confidence and save time.
  • Start preparing notes on Linear Measurement for RRB ALP Fitter, as it is frequently covered in the exam.

RRB ALP Preparation Strategy CBAT

Candidates who qualify the first two rounds will advance to the next stage, which is the CBAT. In this stage, candidates will be assessed on their behavioral and technical skills, as well as their personality traits. Let’s review a few points on how candidates can prepare for this exam stage.

  • Prepare detailed notes on the RRB ALP Depth Perception Test, which includes 10 sections with 5 questions each, covering 10 different brick arrangement types.
  • Work on time management skills to efficiently solve aptitude questions within a short timeframe.
  • Develop new strategies and techniques to tackle Memory Test batteries during your practice.
  • Focus on the RRB ALP CBT 3 Memory Test by using diagrams, flowcharts, and mind maps, as similar types of questions will appear in its 5 test batteries.

RRB ALP Study Plan PDF

Candidates preparing for the RRB ALP 2024 Exam should have a study plan ready, which they can customize according to their needs. We have provided 1 month RRB ALP Study Plan PDF for candidates below.

Click Here To Download RRB ALP Study Plan PDF

RRB ALP Preparation 2024 by Toppers

Toppers generally follow special preparation tips while preparing for competitive exams. We have compiled these tips and provided them below for candidates’ reference to crack RRB ALP Examination 2024.

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern:
    • Familiarize yourself with the RRB ALP exam pattern to know the structure and marking scheme.
  2. Quality Study Materials:
    • Refer to standard textbooks and study materials recommended for your engineering discipline.
  3. Regular Practice:
    • Solve a variety of practice questions and previous year papers to enhance your problem-solving skills.
  4. Time Management:
    • Practice time management during preparation and while attempting mock tests to improve efficiency.
  5. Mock Tests and Sample Papers:
    • Take regular mock tests to simulate exam conditions and identify areas for improvement.
  6. Revision:
    • Regularly revise important concepts and formulas to reinforce your understanding.
  7. Stay Updated:
    • Keep abreast of current affairs, especially in the field of science and technology.
  8. Healthy Lifestyle:
    • Maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle to ensure peak concentration and focus during preparation.
  9. Online Resources:
    • Utilize online platforms, video lectures, and forums for additional learning and doubt resolution.
  10. Join Study Groups:
    • Consider joining study groups or online forums to discuss concepts and share insights with peers.

Best Study Materials for RRB ALP Exam Success

Choosing the right study materials is important for success in the RRB ALP 2024 exam. Start with RRB ALP Books that cover the entire syllabus, including General Science, Mathematics, General Intelligence, and Reasoning. Additionally, consider guidebooks specifically designed for RRB ALP preparation, which provide concise explanations and practice questions.

Online resources, such as video lectures and interactive quizzes, can enhance your understanding and engagement. Mock tests and RRB ALP Previous Year Paper are invaluable for familiarizing yourself with the exam format and improving time management skills. Using a mix of these materials will create a well-rounded preparation strategy, boosting your confidence and performance on exam day.

RRB ALP Exam Pattern 2024

To start with the preparation, candidates must know the stages of the RRB ALP Selection process and their detailed pattern. The RRB ALP Exam Pattern helps in creating an effective preparation strategy to crack the examinations. RRB ALP recruits candidates based on CBT-1, CBT-2, and CBAT. We have mentioned below the exam pattern for CBT-1 and CBT-2.

CBT Stage -1 

SubjectsNo. of QsMarks
General Intelligence & Reasoning2525
General Science2020
General Awareness on Current Affairs1010

A total duration of 60 minutes will be allotted to the candidates.

CBT Stage -2

  • The Second Stage of CBT will consist of two parts: Part A and Part B.
  • Part A will have questions on Maths, Reasoning, Basic Science and engineering, and Current affairs.
  • There will be a total of 100 questions to be solved in 90 minutes for Part A whereas Part B will consist of questions on Relevant Discipline/Trade and will have 75 questions to be solved in 60 minutes.
  • Part B will be of qualifying nature only whereas the marks of Part A will decide the progress of the candidates to the next stages of the selection process.
Parts SubjectsNo. of QuestionsDuration
Part AMaths
General Intelligence & Reasoning
Basic Science & Engineering
General Awareness of Current Affairs
10090 Mins
Part BRelevant Trade7560 Mins
Total1752 Hours 30 Mins

RRB ALP Strategy 2024 For CBT 1 in 30 Days

Here’s a detailed 30-day strategy table for RRB ALP CBT 1 preparation:

WeekFocus AreasTopics to CoverDaily Study PlanTips
Week 1General Science, Mathematics, General Intelligence– General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology basics
– Mathematics: Number System, Algebra, Simplification, Percentages
– General Intelligence: Analogy, Classification, Series
3 hours/day
1 hour for each subject
– Understand the basics
– Solve easy problems
– Revise daily
Week 2Reasoning and Current Affairs– Reasoning: Verbal & Non-verbal reasoning
– Current Affairs: Latest events, Sports, Awards, Railways news
3 hours/day
1.5 hours Reasoning
1.5 hours Current Affairs
– Practice Reasoning daily
– Read news updates regularly
Week 3Revision & Mock Tests– Revise all subjects
– Take daily mock tests covering full syllabus
4 hours/day
2 hours Revision
2 hours Mock Tests
– Identify weak areas and improve
– Analyze mock test performance
Week 4Final Revision & Time Management– Strengthen weak topics
– Full-length mock tests
– Time management during tests
4-5 hours/day
Mock test daily
Revise weak areas
– Focus on accuracy & speed
– Avoid new topics, focus on revision


RRB ALP Books are crucial for the preparation of any examination. The right choices of books can help candidates in scoring good marks. The market is full of preparation books and candidates often get confused because of too many options. So, we have mentioned below the list of best books for each subject for best RRB ALP strategy for preparation.

Best Books for General Intelligence & Reasoning

Book NameAuthor
How to Crack Test Of ReasoningArihant
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal ReasoningR.S. Aggarwal
Reasoning for the Railway Recruitment Board ExaminationsChandresh Agarwal

Best Books for General Science

Book NameAuthor
General Science for Indian Railways RRB Exams – ALP/Group D/NTPC/JEDisha Experts
Objective General ScienceExpert Compilations
Lucent’s General ScienceRavi Bhushan

Best Books for Mathematical Abilities

Book NameAuthor
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExaminationsR.S. Aggarwal
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExaminationsAbhijit Guha
Fast Track Objective ArithmeticRajesh Verma
Magical Book on Quicker MathsM. Tyra

Best Books for Current Affairs

Best Books for Current Affairs
Daily Newspaper
Manorama Yearbook
Lucent’s General Knowledge

How to Create a Personalized RRB ALP Study Plan?

By following these steps, you can create a personalized study plan that aligns with your learning style and exam requirements.

  • Start by decoding the RRB ALP Syllabus and exam pattern. Know the subjects inside out—General Science, Mathematics, General Intelligence, and Technical knowledge specific to your field.
  • After that, know your own strengths and weaknesses and Prioritize subjects or topics that require more attention, balancing them with your strengths to build confidence.
  • Create short-term goals (e.g., mastering a chapter) and long-term targets (e.g., completing the syllabus by a certain date).
  • Ensure your goals are measurable and realistic, providing a sense of achievement as you progress.
  • Keep your scheduled dynamic which means mix subjects throughout the week to keep things fresh. A little variety goes a long way in preventing burnout.
  • Use a blend of textbooks, online courses, video tutorials, and practice papers. This multi-faceted approach caters to different learning styles.
  • Integrate mock tests into your schedule.
  • Regular revision solidifies your understanding and boosts retention.

We hope this blog gave you a better understanding of the RRB ALP Strategy 2024. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!

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RRB ALP Strategy 2024 – FAQs

What is the RRB ALP Preparation Strategy 2024?

Candidates can check the detailed strategy mentioned in the blog.

When will the RRB ALP CBT-1 be conducted?

The RRB ALP CBT-1 is expected to be conducted in beginning of the year 2025.

Where can I find a RRB ALP study plan?

We have provided a RRB ALP study plan in this article which helps candidates to focus on important areas and shows where you need more practice

What is the RRB ALP strategy by toppers?

Work on boosting your mental and analytical skills through memory and depth perception tests. Enhance your preparation by solving mock tests, previous year papers, and important multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering all subjects.

How should I divide my study time for RRB ALP 2024?

Allocate equal time for all subjects, with more focus on weaker areas, and practice reasoning and math daily.

What role do mock tests play in RRB ALP preparation?

Mock tests help improve speed, accuracy, and familiarity with the exam pattern.

How can I improve my reasoning ability for RRB ALP?

Practice puzzles, logical reasoning questions, and previous year papers to enhance reasoning skills.

How can I improve my performance in the Mathematics section?

Practice basic arithmetic and algebra regularly, focusing on speed and accuracy.

How important is revising before the RRB ALP exam?

Revision is key to reinforcing concepts and improving memory retention before the exam.

Is Part B of CBT 2 important for RRB ALP?

Yes, Part B is qualifying in nature, so you must score well to clear this section.


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