The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has prescribed the exam pattern and syllabus for the RRB ALP exam. The syllabus for CBT 1 includes questions from 4 main subjects – General Awareness & Current Affairs, General Intelligence & Reasoning, Mathematics, and General Science. On the other hand, the CBT 2 syllabus is divided into two parts: Part A and B. This article covers the RRB ALP Syllabus in Hindi and English for all interested applicants.
Syllabus of RRB ALP 2025
The ALP Syllabus for CBT 1 usually covers four subjects:
- General Awareness & Current Affairs
- General Intelligence & Reasoning
- Mathematics
- General Science.
For CBT 2, the syllabus is divided into Part A and Part B, with Part B as a qualifying section.
- Part A: Mathematics, General Intelligence & Reasoning, Basic Science & Engineering, and General Awareness.
- Part B: Relevant Trade
However, it is important to note that the marking scheme and exam duration differ between the tests, so understanding the exam pattern thoroughly is crucial. Check out the stage-wise RRB ALP Exam Pattern and Syllabus below.
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Railway RRB ALP Syllabus 2025 – Overview
The Railways RRB ALP Syllabus provides in-depth knowledge and outlines the pattern that will be followed in the exam. Some of the main details of the syllabus are given below:
Particulars | Exam Details |
Exam Conducting Body | Indian Railways Recruitment Board |
Exam Name | RRB ALP 2025 |
Posts | Assistant Loco Pilot |
Vacancies | To be released |
RRB ALP Exam Date (CBT -2) | To be released |
Mode of Exam | Online |
Marking Scheme | 1 mark |
Negative Marking | ⅓ rd marks for each wrong answer |
Selection Process | CBT Stage-1, CBT Stage-2, and CBAT |
Official website | |
RRB ALP Selection Stages
The RRB ALP (Assistant Loco Pilot) selection process consists of several stages. It is designed to evaluate candidates thoroughly. It begins with two Computer Based Tests (CBTs), followed by an aptitude test for ALP posts. These tests are followed by a document verification and a medical examination.
- First Stage CBT: This tests general awareness, mathematics, and reasoning abilities.
- Second Stage CBT: Focuses on technical subjects related to the ALP role.
- Aptitude Test (CBAT): Assessing psychomotor and decision-making skills.
- Document Verification & Medical Exam: Final steps to ensure eligibility.
RRB ALP Exam Pattern 2025
RRB ALP exam pattern provides a detailed overview of the subjects, the number of questions that will appear, and the time limit provided to the candidates during their exam. A few important details regarding the first two stages are provided in the list below:
RRB ALP Exam Pattern 2025 CBT 1
The CBT 1 exam for RRB ALP posts will consist of 75 questions worth 75 marks. The subjects covered in the exam are listed below.
Subjects | No. of Questions | Marks |
Mathematics | 20 | 20 |
General Intelligence & Reasoning | 25 | 25 |
General Science | 20 | 20 |
General Awareness on Current Affairs | 10 | 10 |
Total | 75 | 75 |
Also Read: RRB ALP Salary
RRB ALP Exam Pattern 2025 CBT 2
The CBT 2 paper for RRB ALP posts will be divided into Part A and Part B. Part A will have 100 questions, and Part B will have 75 questions. In total, there are 175 questions (100 in Paper 1 and 75 in Paper 2). The duration of the Paper 1 Exam is 90 minutes, and for Paper 2, it is 60 minutes.
Subjects | No. of Qs | Duration |
Part A: Mathematics General Intelligence & Reasoning Basic Science & Engineering General Awareness of Current Affairs | 100 * 1 = 100 | 90 Mins |
Part B: Relevant Trade | 75 * 1 = 75 | 60 Mins |
Total | 175 * 1 = 175 | 2 Hours 30 Mins |
Also Check: RRB ALP Admit Card
RRB ALP Syllabus in Hindi and English
The RRB ALP Syllabus for CBT 1 and 2 covers a variety of topics to test candidates’ knowledge and skills. The syllabus is the same for both stages as it includes Mathematics (Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry), General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science (Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences), and General Awareness (current affairs, history, and geography). Candidates must prepare well in each area to succeed in the exam.
Mathematics Syllabus for RRB ALP Exam
The mathematics syllabus for CBT 1 has been mentioned in both and Hindi and English language has been mentioned below.
Mathematics Syllabus in English | Mathematics Syllabus in Hindi |
Simplification and Approximation | सरलीकरण और अनुमान |
Coordinate Geometry | निर्देशांक ज्यामिति |
Mensuration | क्षेत्रमिति |
Arithmetic | अंकगणित |
Trigonometry | त्रिकोणमिति |
Number Series | संख्या श्रेणी |
Probability | प्रायिकता |
Algebra | बीजगणित |
Ratio and Proportion | अनुपात और समानुपात |
Speed, Distance & Time | गति, दूरी और समय |
Number System | संख्या पद्धति |
Profit and Loss | लाभ और हानि |
Time and Work | समय और कार्य |
Interest | ब्याज |
Percentages | प्रतिशत |
Averages | औसत |
General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus in RRB ALP CBT 1
The General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus for Computer Based Test 1 is shared below.
Reasoning Syllabus in English | Reasoning Syllabus in Hindi |
Analogy | सादृश्यता |
Classification | वर्गीकरण |
Coding-Decoding | कूट लेखन-निरूपण |
Problem Solving | समस्या समाधान |
Blood Relation | रक्त संबंध |
Venn Diagram | वेन आरेख |
Alphabet & Word Test | वर्णमाला और शब्द परीक्षण |
Non-Verbal Reasoning | अशाब्दिक तर्क |
Verbal Reasoning | शब्दात्मक तर्क |
Direction & Distance | दिशा और दूरी |
Series | श्रेणी |
Missing Numbers | लुप्त अंक |
Order & Ranking | क्रम और श्रेणी |
General Science Syllabus for RRB ALP CBT 1
General Science Syllabus in English | General Science Syllabus in Hindi |
Biology | जीवविज्ञान |
Physics | भौतिकी |
Chemistry | रसायन विज्ञान |
Environment | पर्यावरण |
RRB ALP CBT 1 Syllabus for General Awareness on Current Affairs
GA Syllabus English | GA Syllabus in Hindi |
Polity | राजनीति |
Economy | अर्थव्यवस्था |
Award & Honors | पुरस्कार और सम्मान |
Art & Culture | कला और संस्कृति |
Sports | खेल |
RRB ALP Syllabus 2025 PDF Download
The RRB ALP Syllabus PDF is key for candidates preparing for the exam. It covers all the important topics for CBT 1, CBT 2, and CBAT stages. The RRB ALP syllabus is expected to be released along with the official notification. Until then, candidates can download and view the previous year’s syllabus. The download link for the RB ALP Syllabus is given below:
RRB ALP Syllabus 2025 PDF Download
Subject-Wise Syllabus of RRB ALP
The RRB ALP Syllabus for CBT 2, or Computer Based Test 2, is designed to test candidates’ proficiency in various technical and non-technical subjects.
- The RRB ALP Syllabus 2025 includes topics like Basic Science and Engineering, which cover subjects such as Engineering Drawing, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
- Candidates will also be assessed on their knowledge of relevant trade syllabi prescribed for various disciplines.
- Additionally, the exam will include questions on General Awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning, and Basic Mathematics.
- It’s crucial for candidates to thoroughly understand the syllabus and prepare effectively for each topic to perform well in the exam.
Subjects | Topics |
Maths, General Intelligence, and Reasoning | Similar to the CBT 1 Syllabus |
Basic Science and Engineering | The broad topics that are covered under this shall be Engineering Drawing (Projections, Views, Drawing Instruments, Lines, Geometric figures, and Symbolic Representation). Units, Measurements, Mass Weight and Density, Work Power and Energy, Speed and Velocity, Heat and Temperature, Basic Electricity, Levers and Simple Machines, Occupational Safety and Health, Environment Education, IT Literacy etc. |
RRB ALP CBT 2 Syllabus for Relevant Trade Wise
The RRB ALP CBT 2 Syllabus for Relevant Trade Wise outlines the topics for each specific trade. It helps candidates prepare better by focusing on the material relevant to their chosen trade.
RRB ALP CBT 2 Syllabus for Electrical
Electrical Syllabus in English | Electrical Syllabus in Hindi |
Electrical India | इलेक्ट्रिकल इंडिया |
Rolls, cables | रोल्स, केबल्स |
Transfers | ट्रांसफर |
Three-Phase Motor Systems | तीन-चरण मोटर सिस्टम |
Light, Magnetism | प्रकाश, चुम्बकत्व |
Fundamental Electric System | मौलिक इलेक्ट्रिक सिस्टम |
Single Phase Motors | एकल चरण मोटर |
Switches, Plugs and Electrical Connections | स्विच, प्लग और इलेक्ट्रिकल कनेक्शन |
RRB ALP CBT 2 Syllabus for Electronics & Communication
Electronics and Communication Syllabus in English | Electronics and Communication Syllabus in Hindi |
The Transistor | ट्रांजिस्टर |
Dias | डायस |
Digital Electronics | डिजिटल इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स |
Networking and Industrial Electronics | नेटवर्किंग और औद्योगिक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स |
Electronic Tube | इलेक्ट्रॉनिक ट्यूब |
Semi Conductor Physics | अर्धसंवाहक भौतिकी |
Robotic Radio Communication Systems | रोबोटिक रेडियो संचार प्रणाली |
Satellite Matters | उपग्रह मामलों |
Computer & Micro Processor | कंप्यूटर और माइक्रो प्रोसेसर |
RRB ALP CBT 2 Syllabus for Automobile
Automobile Syllabus in English | Automobile Syllabus in Hindi |
Machine Design | मशीन डिज़ाइन |
System Theory | सिस्टम सिद्धांत |
IC Engines | आईसी इंजन |
Heat Transfers | गर्मी संचरण |
Thermodynamics | थर्मोडायनमिक्स |
Materials Applying Motion | गति में अनुप्रयोग के लिए सामग्री |
The Power Plant Turbines and Boilers | पावर प्लांट टरबाइन और बॉयलर |
Metallurgical Production Technology | धातुकर्म उत्पादन प्रौद्योगिकी |
RRB ALP CBT 2 Syllabus for Mechanical
Mechanical Syllabus in English | Mechanical Syllabys in Hindi |
Dimensions | आयाम |
Heat | गर्मी |
Engines | इंजन |
Turbo Machinery | टरबो मशीनरी |
Production Engineering | उत्पादन इंजीनियरिंग |
Automation Engineering | स्वचालन इंजीनियरिंग |
Kinetic Theory | गतिशीलता सिद्धांत |
The Strength Of The Material | सामग्री की ताकत |
Metal Handling | धातु हैंडलिंग |
Metallurgical | धातुकर्म |
Refrigerators And Air Conditioned | रेफ्रिजरेटर्स और एयर कंडीशंड |
Energy, Materials | ऊर्जा, सामग्री |
Energy Conservation | ऊर्जा संरक्षण |
Management | प्रबंधन |
Applied Mechanics | अनुप्रयुक्त यांत्रिकी |
RRB ALP Syllabus Weightage
The RRB ALP Syllabus Weightage table provides an overview of the importance assigned to different sections in the exam. Knowing this helps candidates focus their study time on the most important topics to improve their chances of success.
Section | Approximate Weightage |
General Awareness | 20% |
Mathematics | 25% |
General Intelligence and Reasoning | 25% |
Technical Subjects (Trade-Specific) | 30% |
RRB ALP CBAT (Computer-Based Aptitude Test)
The Computer Based Aptitude Test is for RRB Assistant Loco Pilot applicants only. Here’s what you need to know about RRB ALP CBAT:
- Minimum Marks: You need 42 marks in each test section, no matter your category.
- Shortlisting: Candidates, up to 8 times the ALP vacancies per category, will proceed.
- Test: You must pass each CBAT test section.
- Language: Questions will be in English and Hindi.
- No Penalties: There’s no penalty for wrong answers.
- Merit List: Only CBAT-passing candidates are considered for the RRB ALP merit list.
- Weightage: Part A CBT II marks count for 70%, while CBAT marks count for 30%.
Things to Avoid While Preparing for the RRB ALP Exam
Some of the basic things to avoid while preparing for the RRB ALP examination are given below:
- Skipping the Basics: Avoid neglecting fundamental concepts in Mathematics and Physics. A strong foundation ensures better accuracy and faster problem-solving during the exam.
- Ignoring Time Management: Don’t focus excessively on one section at the expense of others. Allocate balanced time to all sections during preparation and practice.
- Overlooking Mock Tests: Skipping mock tests or practice papers can leave you unprepared for the real exam environment. Use them to identify weak areas and improve speed.
- Relying Solely on Memorization: Don’t rely only on rote learning, especially for technical subjects. Understand the concepts thoroughly for practical applications.
- Studying Without Breaks: Avoid continuous study without breaks, as it leads to burnout.
We hope this blog gave you a better understanding of the RRB ALP Syllabus and Exam Pattern. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!
RRB ALP Syllabus 2025 – FAQs
The RRB ALP Syllabus covers subjects such as Mathematics, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Science, General Awareness of Current Affairs, and technical subjects for CBT Stage 1 and CBT Stage 2, including a Computer Aptitude Test (CBAT).
According to past students, the difficulty level of RRB ALP is moderate. With a proper study plan and consistent practice, you can easily achieve a good score.
To appear for the RRB ALP examination, you should have passed matriculation and have an ITI/Diploma in the relevant trade.
RRB ALP comes under the “C” category posts.
Yes, there is a negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer.
- RRB ALP Result 2025, Check CBT 1 Merit List Download Link
- RRB ALP Recruitment 2025, Vacancies, Eligibility, Download PDF
- RRB ALP Selection Process 2025, CBT 1 and CBT 2, Steps
- RRB ALP Salary 2025, In hand Salary, and Career Growth
- RRB ALP Syllabus 2025 For CBT 1 and 2, Download Syllabus PDF
- RRB ALP Eligibility Criteria 2025, Age Limit, and Qualification
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