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MHCET Law Entrance Exam Pattern 2022 - Complete details

An entrance exam is conducted for admission in law colleges of Maharashtra. This exam takes place for two programs three-year LLB and five-year LLB. The candidates need to be clear about the exam pattern as it will benefit them in their preparations. The detailed MHCET Law Entrance Exam Pattern for both the three year LLB program and the five year LLB program has been discussed below.

MHCET Law Entrance Exam Pattern

MHCET Law Entrance Exam Pattern of the three and five year LLB course are as follows :

Three year LLB course

The table given below shows the exam pattern of the three year LLB Course-

Number of Sections4
Name of SectionsGeneral Knowledge with Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, English and Logical and Analytical Reasoning.
Mode of ExamOnline
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions
Medium of ExamEnglish and Marathi, i.e. Bilingual
Duration of the Exam

General Category/Reserved Category - 120 minutes

PwD Category - 150 minutes

Marking Scheme

Each right answer will give you one mark

There is no negative marking

Section-wise Marks and Number of Questions-

The section-wise distribution of the marks and the number of questions has been given in the table below-

Name of the SectionTotal MarksTotal Number of Questions
General Knowledge with Current Affairs40 marks40 questions
Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning30 marks30 questions
English50 marks50 questions
Logical and Analytical Reasoning30 marks30 questions
Total 150 marks150 questions

Five year LLB Course 

The table given below shows the exam pattern of the five year LLB Course-

Number of Sections5
Name of SectionsGeneral Knowledge with Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, English and Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Mathematical Aptitude
Mode of ExamOnline
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions
Medium of ExamEnglish and Marathi, i.e. Bilingual
Duration of the Exam

General Category/Reserved Category - 120 minutes

PwD Category - 150 minutes

Marking Scheme

Each right answer will give you one mark

There is no negative marking

Read on for more details: MHCET Law Entrance Exam Application Form, MHCET Law Entrance Exam Notification, MHCET Law Entrance Exam Syllabus

Section-wise Marks and Number of Questions

The section-wise distribution of the marks and the number of questions has been given in the table below-

Name of the SectionTotal MarksTotal Number of Questions
General Knowledge with Current Affairs30 marks30 questions
Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning40 marks40 questions
English30 marks30 questions
Logical and Analytical Reasoning40 marks40 questions
Basic Mathematics10 marks 10 questions
Total150 marks 150 questions

Strategy for Preparation 

It is important to plan and prepare properly to get a good score and get selected. Some suggestions have been given below which will help in the proper preparation of the candidates-

Familiarize oneself with the Exam Format — While preparing, become familiar with the exam pattern, and this will assist you in analyzing and planning a proper schedule.

Don't try to learn new topics at the last minute - If you haven't prepared something in advance, don't try to learn it at the last minute. Instead, concentrate on what you've previously learned to prevent being confused.

Proper Time-table - A proper timetable should be prepared, which will help you prepare in an ideal manner. The whole study should be planned properly, with each section being given an equal amount of time and noticing your strength and weaknesses. The candidate should also work on their weakness.

Mock Tests- It is important to give mock tests as this will help you get ample practice of the real-time situation of the exam. It will help you familiarize yourself with the exam environment and help in knowing time management.

Updating regularly - It is important to keep oneself updated by reading newspapers and magazines to help prepare for General Awareness and Current Affairs.


The knowledge of the exam pattern will guide the candidates in their preparations and being well-versed with time management for the exam. We hope the article gives you relevant information about the MHCET Law Entrance Exam Pattern, including the exam pattern of the three year LLB program and the five year LLB program and the preparation strategy. For any queries, contact us at Oliveboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many programs are there for Law?

Ans. There are two programs for Law - three year LLB and five year LLB program.

2. What are the different sections in the three year LLB course program?

Ans. There are four sections in the three year LLB course program, namely General Knowledge with Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, English and Logical and Analytical Reasoning.

3. What is the total duration of the exam for the three year LLB Course program?

Ans. The total duration of the exam for the three year LLB Course program-

General Category/Reserved Category - 120 minutes

PwD Category - 150 minutes

4. What are the maximum marks and the total number of questions in 5 years LLB Course Program?

Ans. In the five year LLB program, the maximum marks are 150, and the total number of questions is 150.

5. How can candidates better prepare for General Awareness and Current Affairs?

Ans. The candidates can keep themselves updated by reading newspapers and magazines to help prepare for General Awareness and Current Affairs. 


Why should I keep a tab on the MHCET Law entrance exam notification?

The MH CET authority body conducts the examination and releases the MHCET Law entrance exam notification on the official website. You should keep a check on any new notification; else, you may miss out on something important and see your application getting rejected.

What is the application fee to pay for each category? +

The application fee for the open category, outside Maharashtra state category, Jammu and Kashmir migrant, and the EWS Maharashtra candidates is Rs 800
The reserved category belonging only to the Maharashtra state needs to pay Rs. 600 Rs application fee
The fees can be paid online through mobile wallets, credit and debit cards, IMPS, and cash cards.

I am a final year student of graduation. Can I still apply for the MH CET law examination? +

Yes, you can apply for the three-year LLB program. You should, however, have completed your graduation at the time of admission.

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