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JKSSB VLW / Panchayat Secretary Cut Off 2022

The Service Selection Board of Jammu & Kashmir has, through a notification (Adv. No. 03 of 2022), announced recruitment for the Panchayat Secretary post. The online registrations for this will start on 6th June 2022. The application process will close down on 13th July 2022. Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria can apply online through the website. The Board will release the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff after the process of examination. The cut off marks will be put up on the website of the Board for the candidates to check and evaluate their qualification status. Candidates should keep checking the website to know of the current notices related to recruitment. 

This article will give you the details of JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff details, expected cut off, calculating your tentative score through the cutoff, and other necessary information.

JKSSB VLW / Panchayat Secretary Cutoff

The cut off marks are the deciding marks to shortlist the candidates after the written exam. The candidate must secure the cut off marks or above to be shortlisted for the recruitment. The cutoff marks and minimum required marks to clear the exam are different. The minimum marks for passing are declared before the exam is conducted, whereas the cut off marks are released only after the exam process is concluded.

The cutoff marks vary every year because there are several factors that affect the cutoff determining process. The Cut off marks are set taking into account different factors like the vacancies available, the number of candidates taking the exam, the difficulty level of the question paper, and others.

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Process To Check the JKSSB VLW / Panchayat Secretary Cutoff

The below-mentioned steps to check/ download the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff should be followed by the candidates. 

Step 1: Visit the website of the Board  

Step 2: On the homepage, click on new notices

Step 3: Select the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff link to find the file open in a new tab. 

Step 4: Download the cut off file and save it to your system

Step 5: Print out the cut off file and save it for future reference.

JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Examination Pattern: 

The Examination Pattern is given below:

  1. The paper will have Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
  2. The total number of questions is 100.
  3. Negative Marking is applicable. 0.25 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer or multiple answers to one question.
  4. No marks are deducted for unanswered questions.

Calculation of Expected Marks Using the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff

The candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to calculate their estimated marks.

Step 1: Add the sum of correct answers and multiply with the marks allotted to each answer. 

Step 2: Add the sum of incorrect answers and multiply them by 0.25.

Step 3: Subtract the sum of Step 1 from Step 2. The remaining is your estimated score.

Factors Influencing the JKSSB VLW / Panchayat Secretary Cutoff 

The JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff marks will be released at the end of the recruitment. The cut off marks are different every year. The changes in the cut off are due to several factors. They are: 

  • No. of Vacancies

The number of vacancies to be allotted plays a major role in the calculation of the cutoff. If the number of vacancies is high, the cut-off marks would be lower. In case there are only a few vacancies, the cut-off marks will be higher as the competition level will rise.  

  • Number of Candidates sitting for the Exam

The higher the number of candidates sitting for the exam, the cut-off too will go up. If the number of candidates taking the exam is less, then the cut-off will fall. 

  • Difficulty Level of the Exam

The level of difficulty of the examination question paper also affects the determination of the cut-off marks. A difficult question paper will result in a lower cut off, but the cut off will rise if the question paper is easy. 

  • The performance of candidates

The cut off marks will be higher if the average performance of the candidates is high. If the average performance of the candidates is low, then the cut off too will be lower.

  • Category of the Candidate:

The candidate's category also has an impact on the calculation of the cut off marks.


The Board has not released the date of the Panchayat Secretary recruitment exam yet. Do check the previous years' and the estimated JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff for 2022 before you start your preparation. This will help you in deciding on a target that you have to achieve. Study well and systematically. You will succeed.  

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do I check the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff?

Answer: You should follow the below-mentioned steps to check/ download the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff

Step 1: Visit the website of the Board  

Step 2: On the homepage, click on new notices

Step 3: Select the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff link to find the file open in a new tab. 

Step 4: Download the cut off file and save it to your system

Step 5: Print out the cut off file and save it for future reference.

Question: What are the factors affecting the calculation of JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff?


The factors are:

  • Number of Vacancies
  • Difficulty Level of the question paper
  • Number of Candidates appearing for the Examination
  • Reservation
  • The performance of candidates

Question: When will the Board release the cut off marks for the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Recruitment 2022?

Answer: The JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff will be released after the examination is concluded. 

Question: How can I check my qualification status through the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff?

Answer: Compare your estimated marks with the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Cutoff to know your qualification status. To calculate the marks for the written examination, follow the below-given steps:

Step 1: Total the sum of correct answers and multiply with the marks allotted to each answer. 

Step 2: No marks are deducted for an unanswered question.

Step 3: calculate the total number of wrong answers.

Step 4: multiply the sum of wrong answers by 0.25.

Step 5: Deduct the sum of Step 4 from Step 1.

Step 6: The remaining is your estimated score.


What is the number of vacancies for JKSSB Panchayat Secretary / VLW?

The total vacancies announced for JKSSB Panchayat Secretary is 1395.

What is the minimum educational qualification required for JKSSB Village Level Worker? +

The minimum educational qualification required for the Panchayat Secretary post is Graduation from a recognized university.

What is the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary application start date? +

JKSSB Panchayat Secretary online application start date is 6th June 2022.

What is the last date to apply for JKSSB Panchayat Secretary exam 2022? +

Last date to apply for the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary exam 2022 is 13th July 2022.

What is the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Pay Scale? +

The pay scale of the JKSSB Panchayat Secretary falls under Level-2 (19900 - 63200). It includes DA, TA, and other allowances.

When JKSSB Panchayat Secretary notification was released? +

JKSSB Panchayat Secretary notification was released on 26th May 2022 on JKSSB's official website.

What is the application fee for JKSSB Panchayat Secretary Exam? +

The application fee is Rs.500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only) for General Category etc. and Rs.400/-(Rupees Four Hundred only) for SC, ST, PWD & EWS Categories.

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