What is DEST and CPT in SSC CGL Tier-2 2023 (Updated)- Know More

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DEST and CPT in SSC CGL tier-2

DEST and CPT in SSC CGL Tier-2 – Each year, the SSC exam holds a Combined Graduate Level test to choose applicants for non-gazetted positions in several government agencies. SSC CGL 2023 Tier -1 will be from 14th July to 27th July 2023. As we know, there are two levels to this exam, both of which are computer-based assessments. However, different exams, such as AAO and JSO, are required for some of the posts in Tier II.

DEST and CPT in SSC CGL tier-2 syllabus:

There are two tests that are based on the candidate’s proficiency with different aspects of the computer. The first is DEST – Data Entry Speed Test. This test is to gauge the candidate’s speed in handling data and how they work with inputting given data in the fastest and most efficient manner. The second test is the Computer Proficiency Test (CPT). This one basically tests the candidate’s basic computer know-how.

Test NameCPT and Syllabus Syllabus
Data Entry Speed Test (DEST)DEST will be conducted in the manner decided by the Commission for the purpose. There is no specific syllabus as it is a skill test. It will consist of a passage of about 2000 key depressions for a duration of 15 minutes. Detailed instructions regarding Skill Test will be provided by the Regional Offices of the Commission. 
Computer Proficiency Test (CPT)1. Computer Basics: Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), input/ output devices, computer memory, memory organization, backup devices, PORTs, Windows Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts. 
2. Software: Windows Operating system including basics of Microsoft Office like MS word, MS Excel and PowerPoint, etc. 
3. Working with the Internet and e-mails: Web Browsing & Searching, Downloading & Uploading, Managing an E-mail Account, and e-Banking. 
4. Basics of networking and cyber security: Networking devices and protocols, Network and information security threats (like hacking, virus, worms, Trojans, etc.), and preventive measures. 

What is CPT (Computer Proficiency Test) in SSC CGL?

SSC CGL CPT is qualifying in nature and is an important part of SSC selection process. This is mandatory for all candidates. The exam is in online mode. The main purpose of this exam is to test candidate’s computer application skills. 

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SSC CGL Posts that Require Computer Proficiency Test (CPT)

A number of SSC CGL posts require the CPT –

  • Assistant Section Officer (CSS), Assistant Section Officer (MEA)  
  • Assistant in Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) under M/o Corporate Affairs,
  • Assistant (GSI) in Ministry of  Mines
  • Inspector (Central Excise)
  • Inspector (Preventive Officer)
  • Inspector (Examiner)

CPT includes three modules 

  • Word processing 
  • Spreadsheet
  • Generation of Slides

Word Processing:

The test passage will be an English passage with 2000 key depressions. The candidate has to finish the paragraph within 15 mins. There is no formatting like bold, italic, underlining in the passage. The typed paragraph is compared to number of errors made. The candidate must match 95% accuracy, as accuracy and speed is mainly calculated. 

Spread sheet: The candidate must have basic knowledge of Microsoft excel. They will be given simple mathematical problems to solve like addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.

Generation of Slides: The candidates are required to present a power point presentation. The candidate must hold basic knowledge of Header, Footer, Inserting Date&time etc. The given time time will be 15 mins and the candidate must conduct the identical slide using power point.

What is SSC CGL DEST (Data Entry Skill Test)?

DEST in SSC CGL stands for Data Entry Skill Test. This is typing test where the candidate must type 8000 per depression per hour, i.e. 2000 key depression in 15 minutes. 

SSC CGL Posts that Require Data Entry Skill Test (DEST)

  • Tax Assistant (Central Excise & Income Tax)

Type of Mistakes in DEST 

There is no negative marking in DEST. Instead half-mark and full-mark deductions happen in case of the corresponding mistakes. SSC CGL has outlined the type of mistakes that can result in these deductions.

Full Mistake: 

The below-mentioned errors are full mistakes.

  • For every omission of word/ figure.
  • For every substitution of a wrong word /figure.
  • For every addition of a word/figure not found in the passage.

Half Mistake:

The below-mentioned errors are half mistake.

Spacing errors: No space between two words. Eg, “ihave” instead of “i have”

Repetition of letter: For every spelling error committed by way of repetition, or addition or transposition or omission or substitution of a letter/letters, e.g. the word ‘spelling’ typed as ‘seeplings’ etc.

Wrong Capitalization: Wrong use of capital letters for small letters or small letters for capital letters.

Note: Any corrections using pen or pencil are ignored and no credit is given to such corrections.

Frequently Added Questions:

For which post SSC CGL DEST skill test is conducted?

DEST is conducted for the Post of Tax Assistants

For which post SSC CGL CPT skill test is conducted?

Assistant Section Officer In CSS, MEA & AFHQ, Assistant In Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) Under The Ministry Of Corporate Affairs, Assistant (GSI) In The Ministry Of Mines, Inspector (Central Excise), Inspector (Preventive Officer) & Inspector (Examiner) In CBIC

Is there a negative marking for SSC CGL CPT and DEST exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in the Computer Proficiency Test part of the SSC CGL exam. 

Is there a negative marking for SSC CGL 2023 CPT & DEST exam?

Yes there will be negative marking for SSC CGL CPT and DEST exam. The negative mark will be 1 mark for every wrong answer.

Is CPT compulsory for candidate appearing SSC CGL 2023?

Yes, Its compulsory for all candidate to attend CPT and DEST for SSC CGL 2023 exam.

What is CPT in SSC CGL?

The Full form for CPT is Computer Proficiency Test in SSC CGL. Its conducted to examine the typing speed and basic computer knowledge of the candidates.


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