JAIIB PPB Syllabus 2024, Know all the Topics

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JAIIB PPB Syllabus: The JAIIB Principles and Practices of Banking (PPB) exam is a test about basic banking. It covers things like how banks work, the rules they have to follow, and how they manage risks. People studying for it learn about different banking tasks, like giving out loans and helping customers. The exam also looks at banking ethics and laws. Passing the JAIIB PPB exam shows that someone knows the important stuff about banking. It helps them do better in their job at a bank and shows they’re good at what they do.

JAIIB PPB Syllabus 2024

JAIIB PPB Syllabus: The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance or IIBF conducts the JAIIB exam twice a year. The Junior Associate for the Indian Institute of Banking or JAIIB exam is the first promotional exam for banking professionals. Principles and Practices of Banking is the second paper of four for the exam. This article will provide a detailed JAIIB PPB syllabus.

JAIIB PPB Syllabus – Exam Pattern

Before we get into the syllabus, let’s take a look at the question and mark distribution for PPB.

JAIIB Mega Webinar

SubjectsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Principles and Practices of Banking1001002 hours

As you can see, the paper consists of 100 questions for a total of 100 marks. The paper is of a 2-hour duration. There is no negative marking and candidates require a minimum of 50 marks out of 100 to clear the paper.

JAIIB Principles and Practices of Banking Syllabus

Paper 2 of JAIIB is Principles and Practices of Banking. The paper consists of a total of 4 modules as listed below:

  • General Banking Operations
  • Functions of Banks
  • Banking Technology
  • Ethics in Banks and Financial Institutions

PPB Module A Syllabus – General Banking Operations

The syllabus for Module A of PPB is below:

Banker-Customer RelationshipRequirements to be Called a Bank, Banker-Customer Relationship, Bank as a Trustee, Bailee Bailor Relationship, Agent-Principal Relationship, Lessor and Lessee, Indemnifier and Indemnified, Different Deposit Products or Services, Services to Customers and Investors.
AML-KYC GuidelinesMoney Laundering & Financing of Terrorism Risks, AML Framework in India, Know Your Customer Policy, Organisational Set-up for AML, Obligations under PMLA, Risk Management, Obligations under International Agreements, FATF Identified Jurisdictions, Correspondent Banks, Reporting Under FATCA/ CRS, Reporting Obligations, Implications of Non-compliance of PMLA Obligations, Secrecy Obligations.
Operational Aspects of KYCKnow Your Customers (KYC) Norms, Wire Transfers, Other Operations – Regulations, Central, KYC Records Registry (CKYCR), Monitoring of Transactions.
Opening Accounts of Various Types of CustomersPersonal Accounts, Accounts of Other Customers, Norms for Opening Current Accounts, Obtaining Photographs of Account Holders, Legal Entity Identifier.
Operational Aspects of Deposit AccountsSalient Feature of Deposit Accounts, Interest on Deposit Accounts, Prohibitions & Exemptions, Inoperative Accounts & Unclaimed Deposits, Operational Instructions in Joint Accounts, Nomination Facility, Other Operational Guidelines, Attachment Orders, Procedure for Submission of Records to Statutory Authorities.
Operational Aspects of Handling Clearing/Collection/CashCheque Truncation System (CTS), RBI Guidelines on Collection of Instruments, Cash and its Custody, Security Arrangements at Branches and ATMs
Banker’s Special RelationshipMandate – Definition, Power of Attorney (POA) – Definition, Banker’s Lien, Right of Set-off, and Right of Appropriation.
Foreign Exchange Remittance Facilities for IndividualsEvolution of FEMA, Definitions, Bringing in and Taking out Foreign Exchange, Inward Remittances, Outward Remittances, and Indo – Nepal Remittance Scheme.
Operational Aspects of NRI BusinessPermitted Accounts in India for NRIs and PIOs, Accounts in India of Foreign Nationals Visiting India, Special Non-Resident Rupee Account – SNRR Account, Remittance of Assets Held by NRIs/ PIOs, Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India by a Non-Resident Indian (NRI), Creation of Charge on Immovable Property in India, Repatriation of Income and Sale, Proceeds of Assets Held Abroad by NRIs, and Investments by NRIs/ PIOs.
Foreign Currency Accounts for Residents and Other AspectsTypes of Accounts Permitted, Foreign Currency Denominated Accounts in India, Permitted Foreign Currency Accounts Outside India Remittance of Assets by Foreign Nationals not Being PIOs, Modes of Acquiring Property Outside India by a ResidentForeign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010
Cash Management Services and Its ImportanceDevelopments in CMS, Importance of Cash Management Systems, Types of Cash Management Services, Challenges and Issues
Payment and Collection of Cheques and Other Negotiable InstrumentsNegotiable Instruments Act, Payment of a Cheque, Payment in due course – Section 10, Liability of the Paying Bank – Section 31, Collection of Cheques – Duties of a Collecting Bank, Endorsement of Cheques, Crossing of Cheques, Forged Instruments, Bouncing (Dishonour) of Cheques. 
Responsibility of Paying BankNegotiable Instruments Act and Paying Banks, Liability of Paying Banker when Customer’s Signature on the Cheque is Forged, Payment to be in Due Course for Bank to Seek Protection, Payment in Good Faith without Negligence of an Instrument on which Alteration is not Apparent, Payment by Bank Under Mistake Whether Recoverable Cheque Truncation.
Responsibility of Collecting BankStatutory Protection to Collecting Bank and Duties of the Collecting Bank
Ancillary ServicesRemittances: Introduction, Demand Drafts (DD) and Banker’s Cheques (BC), Mail Transfer (MT), Telegraphic Transfer (TT), National Electronic Funds Transfer System (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS), Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Scheme, Mobile Banking in India, Electronic/Digital Payments, Safe Deposit Lockers, Portfolio Management Services, Merchant Banking, Government Business, Levying of Service Charges.
Financial Inclusion & Financial LiteracyFinancial Inclusion by Extension of Banking Services, Use of Mobiles/Tablets in Financial Inclusion Drive, Financial Literacy, Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETI).
Customer Service GuidelinesCustomer Service in Banks, Policy for General Management of the Branches, ATM Operations, Security Issues and Risk Mitigation Measures, Service at the Counters, Information to the Customers, Special Arrangements at Branches, and Other Provisions.
Duties & Rights of a Banker and Customer RightsDuty of Secrecy & Confidentiality, Duty of Reasonable Care, Garnishee or Attachment Order, Bank’s Rights, Customer Awareness, Banking Codes and Standards Board of India, Obligations on the Customer.
Grievance Redressal & RBI Integrated Ombudsman Scheme 2021Model Policy on Grievance Redressal, Internal Machinery to Handle Customer Complaints/Grievances. The RBI – Integrated Ombudsman Scheme.
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Preamble, Extent and DefinitionsPurpose of The Act, Preamble and Extent, Act not Overriding on Any Other Law, Salient New Aspects of CPA 2019, Definitions, Various Fora Consumer Protection Councils, Central Consumer Protection Authority, Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions, Jurisdictions of Commissions, Complaints to District Commissions, Complaints to State Commissions/ National Commission, Appeals Against Orders of District/ State Commission, Other Aspects, Mediation Process, Product Liability, Unfair Contracts, and Data Protection.
The Right to Information Act, 2005Applicability, Definitions, Right to Information, Obligations of Public Authorities, Designation of Public Information Officers, Procedure for Obtaining Information, Disposal of Request, Appeal, Orders in Appeal, Central Information Commission, State Information Commission, Penalties, and Act to Have Overriding Effect.

PPB Module B Syllabus – Functions of Banks

The syllabus for Module B of PPB is below:

Banker Customer RelationshipTypes; Different Deposit Products & Services, Services to Customers & Investors
KYC/ AML/ CFT normsPMLA Act and KYC Norms
Bankers’ Special RelationshipMandate; POA, Garnishee Orders, Banker’s Lien
Consumer Protection – COPRA, Banking Ombudsman SchemeOperational Aspects of COPRA Act & Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Payment and Collection of Cheques and Other Negotiable InstrumentsNI Act; Role & Duties of Paying & Collecting Banks, Endorsements; Forged Instruments, Bouncing of Cheques, Its Implications, Return of Cheques, and Cheque Truncation System
Opening accounts of various types of customersOperational Aspects of opening and Maintaining Accounts of Different Types of Customers including AadhaarSB Rate Deregulation
Ancillary ServicesRemittances, Safe Deposit Lockers, Govt. Business, and EBT
Cash Operations Cash Management Services and its Importance
 Principles of Lending, Working Capital Assessment and Credit MonitoringCardinal Principles, Non-fund Based Limits, WC, Term Loans, Credit Appraisal Techniques, Sources of WC Funds & its Estimation Operating Cycle, Projected Net WC Turnover Method, Cash Budget, Credit Monitoring & Its Management Base Rate.
 P.riority Sector AdvancesTargets; Sub-TargetsRecent Developments
 Agricultural FinanceTypes of Agricultural Loans, Risk Mitigation in agriculture (NAIS, MSP, etc.)
 Micro, Small, and Medium EnterprisesMSMED Act, 2006 Policy Package for MSMEs Performance and Credit Rating Scheme Latest Developments
Government Sponsored Schemes  SGSY, SJSRY, PMRY, SLRS
 Self Help GroupsNeed for & Functions of SHGs, Role of NGOs in Indirect Finance to SHGs, SHGs & SGSY Scheme; Capacity Building
 Cards, Home Loans, Personal Loans, Consumer LoansOperational Aspects, Advantages, Disadvantages & Guidelines of Credit Cards, Procedure and Practices for Home Loans, Personal Loans and Consumer Loans
DocumentationTypes of Documents; Procedure, Stamping, and Securitization
Different Modes of Charging SecuritiesAssignment; Lien; Set-off; Hypothecation Pledge; and Mortgage
Types of collaterals and their characteristicsLand & Buildings; Goods Documents of Title to Goods, Advances against Insurance Policies, Shares, Book Debts, Term Deposits, Gold, etc.Supply Bills
Non-Performing AssetsDefinition; Income Recognition. Asset Classification, Provisioning Norms; CDR, Financial Inclusion BC; BF, Role of ICT in Financial Inclusion, Mobile-based transactions, RSETI
Financial LiteracyImportance of financial literacy and Customer awareness

PPB Module C Syllabus – Banking Technology

The syllabus for Module C of PPB is below:

Essentials of Bank ComputerizationComputer Systems; LANs; WANsUPS; Core Banking
Payment Systems and Electronic BankingATMs; HWAK; PIN Electromagnetic Cards, Electronic Banking, Signature Storage & Retrieval System, CTS; Note & Coin Counting Machines, Microfiche; NPC; RUPAY
Data Communication Network and EFT systemsComponents & Modes of Transmission, Major Networks in India, Emerging Trends in Communication Networks for Banking, Evolution of EFT System; SWIFT, Automated Clearing Systems, Funds Transfer Systems; and Recent Developments in India
Role of Technology Upgradation and its impact on BanksTrends in Technology Developments, Role & Uses of Technology Upgradation; Global Trends, Impact of IT on Banks
Security ConsiderationsRisk Concern AreasTypes of Threats, Control Mechanism, Computer Audit, IS Security; IS Audit, Evaluation Requirements
Overview of IT ActGopalakrishna Committee Recommendations
Preventive Vigilance in Electronic BankingPhishing; Customer Education, Safety Checks; Precautions

PPB Module D Syllabus – Ethics in Banks and Financial Institutions

The syllabus for Module D of PPB is below:

Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated PerspectiveBusiness Ethics, Ethical Foundation, Banking Ethics in Global and Indian Contexts.
Ethics at the Individual LevelValues, Norms, Beliefs, Morality, Conflict, Integrity, Golden Rule, and Dilemmas Decision-Making
Ethical Dimensions: EmployeesObligation to Bank/ Third Parties, Abuse of Official Position, Sexual Harassment, Conflict of Interest, Fair Accounting Practices, HRM Ethics, Employees as Ethics Ambassadors & Managers as Ethical Leaders.
Work Ethics and the WorkplaceWork Ethics, Benefits of Ethical Behavior, Unethical Behavior: Causes and Remedies, Code of Ethics Manual, Whistleblowing in Banks, Whistleblowing Laws in India
Banking Ethics: Changing DynamicsEthics and Technology, Data Security and Privacy, Intellectual Property Rights, Patents, and Proprietary Rights, Ethics of Information Security, Cyber Threats, and Digital Rights Management
Related LinksRelated Links
JAIIB NotificationJAIIB Syllabus
JAIIB Exam DateJAIIB Admit Card
JAIIB Previous Year PapersJAIIB Study Material
JAIIB Cut OffJAIIB Eligibility
JAIIB CertificateJAIIB Mock Test

JAIIB PPB Syllabus – Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How many questions are asked for JAIIBPPB?

A1. JAIIB PPB ie. JAIIB Paper 2 consists of 100 questions for 100 marks.

Q2. JAIIB PPB has how many modules?

A2. The Principles and Practices of Banking for JAIIB has a total of 4 modules.


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